Intersection lights should be back on by weekend
Administrator | May 15, 2013 | Comments 43
The lights at the Tim Hortons intersection downtown Picton, should be back in working order by the weekend.
The County Roads department confirms a control box was struck by lightening and had to be sent to Toronto for repair.
Meanwhile, some County residents have noted they prefer the no lights system while others are doing their best to avoid the intersection all together.
Filed Under: Local News
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I guess everyone was after my time. Yes the two county constables did rural PEC–One in the east end and one in the west. You are correct about the town having itsown force and the OPP doing the rest of the County.
Picton has never had the coverage that it had when we had the town police
When Imentioned the 3 policeman , I never suggested we could go back to those days
I am not sure what one person meant by paycheck day.
Anyway probably enough said on this topic. We hope that Robert Quaiff can straighten it out.
Well I guess I should have read Doris’s post before replying apparently she is speaking about things before my time.My recollection was a Picton Police force which Policed Picton only, outside Picton town limits the OPP ran the show…
Those 3 Officers would have only patrolled Picton with a population of approximately 4200 or less back then…
According to statscan 2012 report there are, on average 199 cops for every 100 000 people. Or one cop for every 502 people.
And going to Wikipedia there are 25258 people in the county and 42 cops, which works out to one cop for every 601 people.
I could only imagine the chaos on a holiday weekend in the summertime if it were only 3 cops like Doris and Marnie so fondly remember. Hell, I could imagine the chaos on a cheque weekend with some of the people down here with only 3 cops.
You’re right Doris. Our county has gone downhill and the slide continues. How much really was saved when we went to town policing by the OPP? Interesting to see what Belleville will do in this regard.
Thank You Marnie and Mark for your support, we have covered a lot of topics together.
When i was a little girl we had 3 police in the county–2 County constables, Marvin and Lovelace and Bert Biddle chief in Picton. Bert used to keep the kids in town in their place if someone road their bicycle on the sidewalk and Bert told them off, they never did anything wrong again
I am not the county watchdog, that is too big a job for one person–this county is a way off base in most things that they do. Every decade it goes down hill.
You are absolutely right Mark. We don’t need those exorbitant policing costs to boost our taxes even higher. The population of Picton has dropped in recent years and the overall population of the county has not swelled dramatically. Why so many police now? A much smaller force once kept order here.
And quite picking on Doris just because she has common sense. It’s a pity that it’s not catching.
You can lay off Doris and pick on someone your own size! County officials certainly read this sight all the time and I have the proof on that one! We are over policed for the need and hard working seniors in retirement cannot afford or require a $6,000,000 annual police force.
Keep hope alive!
Just as I said earlier, Get you facts straight
Don’t you mean a grain-and-a-half Ken?
Would you look at that??? The county watchdog who complains about everything is going by heresay. I guess I’m down to taking everything you say with a half a grain of salt now instead of the full grain.
I did not see a Cop, I have not been outside in over a week
I was told by someone that they saw this at 12
I went up street at i pm today and the lights are working.Sure you saw a cop Doris?
Really don’t think any of the opinions expressed on here are that influential—-more likely it’s because it’s the Friday of a long weekend and tourists are in town.
The COps must read County live they were at Tim hortons directing traffic at noon today
In those good old days that aren’t coming back policemen did not earn a huge salary and the OPP ran without all of the sophisticated equipment and the fancy headquarters that it has today. We were satisfactorily policed and we actually saw officers patrolling downtown and checking that store doors were locked at night. It’s like a lot of other things today – we are paying a whole lot more for a whole lot less. And BTW Jethro, what makes you the local expert on wind turbines and policing? We are entitled to our opinions just as you are to yours. Some of us are sick of seeing our taxes going up and up while services go down.
I agree with Todd and David traffic moves way smoother without the lights. Common sense and rules of the road dictate how the intersetion should work, right of way, complete stop, proceed with caution come to mind. Back in the day there was a crossing guard for young Children heading to and from school having a Police officer to direct traffic is rediculous.
Ditto to Jethro and Virginia!
Jethro: I’m glad you clarified the shift length. I don’t think many people understand what is really involved in modern police work. The “good old days” are gone.
As someone who has worked in a field where there is also a lot of public misinformation and miscommunication, I get it.
So they work 12 hr. shifts. If that is not practical there are 8 and 10 hr. shift models. The bottom line is by next year the policing budget for the County will be edging upon $6,000,000. Big office, big SUV’s, big staff vs. a small population with low crime. The break and enter issues in town could be reduced with some regular patrol of streets like the town cops used to do. Know the neighbourhood, know the problem.
You people don’t know any more about the police force than you do about the wind turbines.Most of the police work 12 hr shifts so we have to have four shifts th cover that. Then there are officers who have special jobs. Please get your facts straight before you put your” bs” on here
WOW, When Council asked Mr. Dewing for a more in depth report of his trip to Trinidad he was quoted as saying, “If any councillor wants to know more of what took place they can come ask him”. Who does this guy think he is??? Good for the councillors who are asking what to he** is going on. This was reported on the radio this morning and Nicole Kleinsteuber was the reporter.
In the good old days when people used common sense we had a small town police force of about eight men. We saw them on the street all the time. They stood in front of the Regent when the second shows ended and directed traffic on the Town Hil.The rest of the county was covered by the OPP but there were not 42 officers needed to do the job. The numbers were a lot lower but we saw policemen on foot patrol a lot more.
Today it is rare to see a policeman on Main Street. When was the last time that anyone can remember seeing an officer directing traffic downtown? Bigger is not always better.
Now–factor in sick days, vacation time, court appearances, etc etc—now estimate the number of officers available at any one time…..
Divide 42 by 3 eight hour shifts…..then think about it
The lights being out has been the best experience for Main Street in a long time. They are only required during the busy summer tourist season. There are currently stop signs at all streets except Main, so it is very easy to figure out. Main Street has the right of way. I have passed though there several times each day and see no problem if drivers are aware of traffic rules. And I agree, the worst spot for a Tim Horton’s.
It’s so much better without those stop lights. Main Street flows much smoother. Too bad they couldn’t just be taken right out.
Doris, there are only 42 uniformed officers in Prince Edward County. They’re spread pretty thin.
The police used to direct traffic at the top of town Hill in summer and when trafic was heavy. No reason that the police are not at Tims
In the good old days there would have been a policeman at that intersection. There should at least be a warning sign. Amazing that this safety issue was not addressed.
They could put a police person there. the police have nothing else to do
It’s just astounding that most drivers on Main believe they have a right away. The other issue even when the lights are working is when making a right turn from Walton onto Main on a red light you have to block the crosswalk to see if you can proceed because the phone booth in front of good old Tim’s blinds the view. Probably the worst place you could plunk a Tim’s unless you wanted to make an already super congested intersection(s) worse!
You are correct Paul, but it takes a while to readopt an old habit. It has been several years since it was a “take you turn” kind of stop.
Some people have never experienced it in any other way than it is now.
But no use ‘beating a dead horse.’
That intersection is back to what it used to be before Tim Hortons I don t recall any serious accidents there ever.. Main was always through traffic with stops at Ferguson ,Chapel and Walton St. And it works until we’re flooded with tourists..
I was VERY SURPRISED that the City or the OPP did not post Big “Warning Signs” immediately after the Traffic LIGHTs were NOT WORKING at each corner over these past 4 + days now. It is a wonder that a potential/ serious accident did not occur and that pedestrians being struck at the crosswalks did not happen hopefully.(That Cross Walk System was not working either!!)
or did we have some??
Check County News???
Where was the County Safety Team??
Very unsafe….shouldn’t there be some sort of police presence, or at least a sign?!!
People are confused…’s better to choose another way on to Main St right now
Is it really all stop? They have placed stop signs on every street except Main.
I prefer to avoid it because of the people who don’t understand how to treat an intersection when the lights are out. Hopefully it’s working by the weekend otherwise that will be a scary place come Friday.
Put in a roundabout for heaven’s sakes… it’s 2013.
most of us are used to it now, but that intersection is a not the most intelligently designed……