Key to loving high school is getting involved
Prince Edward Collegiate Institute | Sep 09, 2011 | Comments 0

PECI Public Relations officers Jacky Bonham and Sydnee Mulridge. (Note: Jacky has moved. Sydnee now works with Mikela Stacy)
When I decided to ask some of my friends what they thought I should include as advice to Grade 9s many of them said that I had to stress the importance of participation in extra curricular activities.
Many people who have ever participated in a sport or club can tell you of all the fun they have had. I have dabbled in every part of the extra curricular spectrum and find it’s all about finding what YOU are interested in.
Thankfully at PECI there is a wide selection of clubs, sports and even dramatic productions! What’s even better is that there are different sports for each semester, so you can do, let’s say soccer, one semester and basketball another. You meet so many different people that share a common interest. For example you can help people in a third-world country (join the Make Poverty History group); or people who enjoy performing should look into PECI’s biannual musicals and theatre productions.
Parents, make sure your teen finds something they are passionate about! High school is only four years and trust me, standing on the sidelines isn’t any fun, get in there, make friends and make the most of your time in school.
Did I mention extra curricular activities look good on your application to post secondary schools? Once again food for thought, till next time!
-Sydnee Gael Mulridge
Keep in touch: email; follow us on Twitter @PECIstudentcouncil
-Jr. and Sr. boys Volleyball practices begin Monday
Sept 12. All students who wish to play sports this year must complete a permission to try out form. See your coach for details.
– Girls Rugby practices also start Monday. See Mrs. MacKay or Mrs. Fraser.
-Sign-up for PECI’s golf team on the Gym Door by the end of the day Friday.
-Girls – If you want to be part of this year’s girls group, see Ms. Renz in the guidance office today.
-If you are interested in joining the Languages trip to Italy and France over March Break, see Mr. Sheahan for details.
-Students who wish to join the Glee Club should see Ms. Pigott as soon as possible.
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Filed Under: PECI - It's a Panther Thing
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