Kiwanis supports cadets; honours Rollie Moore
Administrator | Nov 07, 2016 | Comments 0
The Kiwanis Club of Picton presented $1,000 to the 851 Prince Edward Air Cadet Squadron. Club president Rod Holloway, left, presented the cheque. He is shown with Captain Mike Campbell, Flight Sergeant Lexi Moggridge and Sergeant Peter Globe. The Kiwanis Club has had a long-standing relationship with the Air Cadets, supporting them in their training activities. Briar Boyce photo
The Kiwanis Club of Picton inducted a new slate of directors in October. Rod Holloway was inducted as president, taking over from John Inrig. The 2016/17 board includes Wynand VanSoelen, Sheila VanSoelen (treasurer), Geri Claxton, Rod Holloway (president), Sally Margueratt, John Inrig, Briar Boyce and Dennis Margueratt (secretary). Newly installed Lieutenant Governor, Brian Mitchell, was on hand for the induction (far left). – Submitted photo
On induction night, the Kiwanis Club of Picton presented member Rollie Moore with a Walter Zeller Fellowship award honouring his spirit, hard work and generosity. Kiwanian Geri Claxton presented the award, named after Walter Zeller, who made the first gift to establish the Kiwanis International Foundation in 1940. Sheila VanSoelen photo
Filed Under: cheers • News from Everywhere Else
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