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Learning Centre celebrates grant toward new home

PELC Executive Director Kathy Kennedy, PEC Mayor Robert Quaiff, OTF's

PELC Executive Director Kathy Kennedy, PEC Mayor Robert Quaiff, OTF’s John Blake, PELC’s Patti Wolfe with MPP Todd Smith at the PELC garden party celebration.

The Prince Edward Learning Centre celebrated a $150,000 capital grant toward the purchase of an accessible new building, Tuesday, on the lawn beside the current centre in the Armoury Mall.

A plaque noting the Ontario Trillium Foundation fund was recognized by John Blake, of OTF ; Mayor Robert Quaiff and MPP Todd Smith.

Smith noted his special interest in education over the past several months as he champions education for children with learning disabilities.

Blake noted only about one-third of the applications to the Trillium Foundation, (funded by the taxpayer), are actually funded before the money is spent.

“So there are many, many worthy projects that are not funded,” said Blake, noting he’s from Cherry Valley. “So I had I pretty good idea about the kinds of things the learning centre does.”

When he and colleagues read the application, Blake said they were impressed by the various partnerships that have been created.

“It is really important that everybody in our society has access to an education. It’s actually the law,” said Smith. “The Prince Edward Learning Centre makes sure that no matter what your situation is, or the demands on your personal life, they’ll cater to your schedule to help you learn.”

MPP Todd Smith helps PELC to announce our $150,000 Ontario Trillium Foundation Capital Grant by smashing our lightbulb logo pinata!

MPP Todd Smith helps PELC celebrate its $150,000 Ontario Trillium Foundation Capital Grant by smashing its lightbulb logo pinata full of candies and coupons!

“In my role as mayor I’m never surprised when good announcements happen in Prince Edward County because we have a base of volunteers, and individuals like all of you that when you get behind something, you really get behind and you do an incredible job,” said Quaiff.

The learning centre board and staff have been researching potential properties for relocation. Students have also weighed in with what they find important, including a demonstration kitchen, space for gardening and composting, access to computers, Wi-Fi, stroller and bicycle parking and large, bright classrooms.

PELC receives core funding to provide literacy and essential skills training for students in various situations, such as needing to complete high school as an adult, upgrade English or Math skills for college or apprenticeship programs, or pursuing skills for better employment opportunities. This past year the school also hosted cooking classes, financial fitness and a volunteer income tax program.

“This has been a challenging and exciting time for our volunteer board members and staff,” said Patti Wolfe, president of the PELC. “The foundation gift has energized us all in new ways as we help PEC adults prepare for the labour market challenges of the future.”

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