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Legion Manor and PECI earn Smoke-Free Initiative Awards

Russell Miller and Betty Bersey receive The Healthy Environment Award from HPEC Board of Health chair Pat Culhane (centre).

The Wellington Legion Manor and Prince Edward Collegiate Institute were honoured by the Hastings Prince Edward Counties Health Unit with Smoke-Free Initiative Awards.

The Healthy Environment Award for implementing a smoke-free living policy at Wellington Legion Manor was accepted by Russell Miller, chairman of the board, and resident Betty Bursey.
The citation read, in part, “…the policy prohibits smoking anywhere in the Manor, exceeding requirements under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act.”

Prince Edward Collegiate Institute won the School Award for taking the pledge to be tobacco-free during the 2010 baseball season. The citation read, in part, “…[the] 15 member baseball team took the tobacco-free pledge and set a standard among their high school peers not to use tobacco during the…baseball season. This pledge, and the support of team mates, also encouraged a team member to quit smoking to play in the league.”

The Healthy Environment Award for creating smoke-free outdoor space was presented to the Centre Hastings Park Committee. The citation read, in part, “…the smoke-free property policy will protect the community from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke and help prevent young people from starting to use tobacco.” The award was accepted by Sarah Bowles, Parks, Recreation & Culture Coordinator for the Municipality of Centre Hastings.

The Post Secondary Award for creating designated outdoor smoking areas on the campus of Loyalist College, Belleville. The citation read, in part, “…Creating designated smoking areas on campus protects students and faculty from the harmful effect of second-hand smoke and Loyalist College becomes one of the first colleges in Ontario to move toward a smoke-free campus.” The award was accepted by Maureen Piercy, president of Loyalist College and a member of the Hastings & Prince Edward Counties Board of Health.

The Workplace Award for employers who make at least one policy change to support a smoke-free environment went to Shawn and Krista Fergusson of The Granite Restaurant, Bancroft. The citation read, in part, “…the Granite Restaurant implemented a no smoking policy on their outdoor patio…[exceeding] requirements under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act and [creating] a healthy work environment for all employees.” The entire Fergusson Family, including young Parker and his baby sister Charlotte were present for the award.

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