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Local federal Liberals plan to ‘re-invigorate’ party

PEH LPC Riding Assoc Board: Back Row, from left, bottom to top: Ian Batt, Rhea Pretsell, John Brisbois, Bob Fair, Odila Hoye, Eva Brusse Front, from left, bottom to top: John Duggan, Eric Wilkinson, Brandon Bell, Lenore Begely, Bev Boyd, Mirian Soper-Severinac. In front of staircase, from left: Lori Smith, Terry Standing. Absent from photo: Cythia Collett, Lynn Ann Hipwell, Willem Mass, John McLellan, Charles Mustard and Peter Tinsley (ex-officio).

Twenty Federal Liberal Party of Prince Edward and Hastings directors were elected at the recent annual general meeting to guide the party through the next year.
“The results in the May 2nd federal election raised the challenge for the new Liberal executive to rejuvenate the party and to bring the Liberal message to the electorate of the riding,” said Lenore Begley, president of the riding association. “The riding association members have come to the table determined to re-invigorate the local Liberal party and to run a successful candidate in the next election.”
“Representatives were elected to speak to the issues and challenges of the diverse regions of the riding,” said Begley.
Three directors, Eva Busse, John McLellan and Marion Soper Severinac will represent the most northerly and central areas of Hastings county. Lynn Hipwell, Robert Fair and Rhea Pretsell represent Belleville and Thurlow. Prince Edward County representatives are Willem Maas, Lori Smith and Cynthia Collett. Directors at large are Chuck Mustard, Bob Ferguson and Brandon Bell.  A constitutional amendment created a new youth directorship and Eric Wilkinson holds that position. Also elected were executive officers John Duggan, executive vice-president, Bev Boyd, secretary, and Terry Standing, treasurer. Vice-president directors are John Brisbois, membership, Odila Hoye, policy and Ian Batt, fundraiser. Peter Tinsley, the candidate in the May election, is an ex-officio member of the executive.
“The executive is developing a full schedule of activities to make the Liberals the party of choice for the members of Prince Edward Hastings Riding,” said John Brisbois, membership VP. “We are here to work and to get the job done for our riding and the country.”

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