MacGyver tournaments have raised more than $100,000
Administrator | Apr 21, 2012 | Comments 0
The MacGyver Daubney Memorial Golf Tournament will host 144 golfers at its ninth annual event Saturday, June 2 with a shotgun start at the Picton Golf and Country Club.
To date, the tournament has raised more than $100,000 – $65,000 of which goes to The Sunshine Foundation to help grant wishes for children with life-threatening illnesses. It is The Sunshine Foundation that connected 16-year-old MacGyver Daubney with his golfing idol Sergio Garcia (see photo).
The remainder of the funds raised stay locally – some used to help families with children who are ill; the remaining to help make Christmas special for children who otherwise not have have a merry Christmas.
The Daubney family offers its deepest thanks to the golfers who join in the tournament each year and to the local businesses that donate prizes and funds.
“Our community should be proud of what we have raised in the past eight years. We know that the last two will be even better,” the family states.
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