Magical History Tour rally drives support for County museums
Administrator | May 12, 2013 | Comments 1

Debra Ellis, Peggy Chambers and Linda Howard said they were enjoying their first ever car rally/poker run in the County, Saturday.
Saturday’s Car Rally and Poker Run fundraiser raised fun and funds for the Friends of the Museums of Prince Edward County.
“We are having a great time,” said Peggy Chambers, who with friends Debra Ellis and Linda Howard, participated in the rally for the first time. “We’ve never done anything like this before and it is great.” “There’s no rush either,” said Howard. “Everybody gets back at 4 p.m. so there’s no hurry. It’s all just fun.”
Participants paid an entry fee of $50 per car with driver and navigator and $10 for additional passengers and met in Ameliasburgh for coffee and muffins. Everybody received a map featuring a landmark quiz as they followed their route, found poker card quizzes, had merchants answer questions, then made their way back for prizes, goodies bags and an end of rally barbecue.
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Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else
About the Author:
Thank you to everyone who helped put on this event and to those who joined us for the day. A beautiful way to see our County and check on what is new at the Museums.