Maintain your private roadway if you expect timely emergency services
Administrator | Aug 29, 2012 | Comments 1
Prince Edward County property owners must maintain their private roadways if they expect to receive timely municipal emergency services from police, fire and ambulance.
County council agreed yesterday to create a bylaw to outline the standards necessary as non-compliance could result in a delay in emergency services.
While conducting a risk assessment of the fire department’s responsibilities, it was identified that a number of seasonal and permanent residences have restricted access due to improper construction or maintenance, such as overhead clearance from trees, electrical wires, dramatic changes in grade, snow or other obstructions to an emergency vehicle gaining timely access.
“When an emergency occurs, response time is essential,” Fire Chief Scott Manlow said in his report. “In some areas of the County, response time is already increased due to the geographical location of the property. If the emergency provider has reached the property and then has to navigate through restrictions or obstructions, extra time is added to an already crucial sitation.”
Property owners may also call the fire department if they wish to set up a meeting to assess access to their property. Call 613-476-2602.
The proposed private road standards include:
(a) A clear width of not less than 6m (19’8”) unless it can be established by the service provider that a lesser width is satisfactory.
(b) An overhead clearance of not less than 5 meters (16’5”) unless it can be established by the service provider that a lesser clearance is satisfactory.
(c) A turnaround facility for any dead end portion of the private or unassumed roadway that exceeds ninety 90 meters (295’) in length from a public thoroughfare.
(d) A change in gradient of not more than 1 in 12.5 over a minimum distance of fifteen (15) meters.
(e) An unobstructed path of travel for the service provider from the vehicle to the principal entrance or entrances which shall not exceed forty-five (45) meters.
(f) Be designed to support the expected loads imposed by emergency apparatus and be surfaced with material designed to permit accessibility under all climate conditions.
(g) Bridges or culverts on private roads must be engineered and
constructed to withstand the weight of the aforementioned apparatus.
(h) Private roads are to be maintained free of pot holes, snow, ice, foreign debris.
(i) Private roads that provide access to more than one property cannot be obstructed by a fence or other mechanism that may impede through traffic. If the restriction is removed by the service provider to gain access, the service providers will not be held liable for any damages.
(j) Damage to emergency or service vehicles resulting from the lack of adherence to this policy will result in the property owner being liable for all vehicle towing and/or repair costs. Notwithstanding, if the owner does not pay the said costs forthwith, the associated costs will be collected in a
like manner as property taxes.
(k) Have the Civic Address prominently displayed in accordance with Municipal Bylaw #789-1997 (the by-law providing for the placing and maintaining of a municipal addressing system in the County).
Filed Under: Local News
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The county really need to partice what they preach and fix the roads that they are responcibale for first before they should be able to tell other people how to look after there roads there is a huge pot hole on barker street in picton going east that if it is hit the wrong way it bottom out your car so the county shouldn’t be able to talk about people with private roads if that county cant keep up with the roads either partice what you preach
What happens if an emergency vechile gets damaged on a county road is the county going to take responcibale to fix them propbley not
Well they should if the county can’t follow throu then why are they making other people