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Man jumps out of RV to show support for hospital auxiliary

CHEERS! and heartfelt thanks from the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, to all those who helped raise $5,318.97 during this year’s Tag Day fundraiser.

Judy Anderson, organizer of the event, set up volunteers to receive donations in Picton and Wellington.

“The annual Tag Day was the best ever, with generous support from both County residents and visitors,” said Dorothy Speirs-Vincent, Director of Communications. “Many residents told our volunteers how important the hospital is to them and how committed they are to having our medical services  remain in the County.”

Visitors to the County were also generous in their support.

“One of our volunteers reported that an enormous RV stopped in the middle of Main Street in Picton. The passenger jumped out, gave our  volunteer a large donation, told her how much he admired the hard work the Auxiliary does in the community, then jumped back into the RV and continued on his way.”

Late last month, during the Auxiliary’s annual general meeting,members elected the new executive board for 2015-2016.

P-ECMHAuxiliary-executive-2015-16-In the photo: back row, from left: Judy Anderson, Secretary; Carolynn Whiteley, Director of In-Hospital Services; Peggy Payne, Past President; Marlene Tompkins, Director of Membership and Volunteer Services; Cathy Starkey, Director of Community Services; Jack Starkey, Director of Fundraising Projects; Pam Strachan, Director of Fundraising Retail. Front row, from left: Eugenia Venchiarutti, Vice-President; Liz Jones, President; Bev Thompson, Treasurer. Photo by Dorothy Speirs-Vincent, Director of Communications.

auxiliary-presidentsThe auxiliary’s past presidents thanked outgoing President Peggy Payne, for her faithful service to the organization. From left, in chronological order of their presidencies: Betty Evans, Evelyn Beaumont, Wanda Strachan, Elayne Meharg, Carol Ireland, Peggy Payne, Joyce Minaker, Nancy Hicks, Sue Law, Fran Donaldson, and the Auxiliary’s new President, Liz Jones.

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