March Break delayed to April
Administrator | Feb 11, 2021 | Comments 0
Stephen Lecce, Ontario’s Minister of Education, announced Thursday that March Break for schools will be postponed to April 12-16 this year following consultation with public health officials.
The move is to discourage travel, and another spike in cases, as was seen over the Christmas break.
“We appreciate the hard work of students and staff in the education sector and I want to be clear: March break is being postponed, not cancelled. To keep schools open, we must keep them free of COVID-19.”
While Hastings Prince Edward students have been able to choose to return to learning in class, the remainder of the province’s schools still online-learning only, may return to in-class Feb. 16.
All Ontarians are asked to continue to refrain from travelling, particularly given the increase in new variants; stay at home as much as possible and continue following public health guidelines.
Filed Under: Local News
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