Marilyn Monroe epic photo shoot at Regent Theatre
Administrator | Aug 27, 2014 | Comments 0
By Ian Robertson
Ottawa actress Nadine Banville wore a sleeveless white dress in front of the Regent Theatre’s entrance, standing on a boxed fan before her skirt was blown up to recreate a scene from Marilyn Monroe’s “Seven Year Itch.”
Banville, who is the “face” of Three Olives Marilyn Monroe vodka in Ontario, has starred in Ottawa in a tribute stage show called ‘Reliving Marilyn’, which includes her also appearing as Bridgitte Bardot, Marlene Deitrich, and Edith Piaf.
Starting in August, 2013, Reliving Marilyn Ltd., of Ottawa, in co-operation with Morrighan Films of Casselman, has been shooting scenes in various locations, including Niagara Falls, where Monroe starred in the 1953 movie “Niagara.” Shoots have also included Banff, Alberta (The Misfits), and several areas in Prince Edward County for the film version of “Reliving Marilyn”.
The film, written by, and also starring Morgan Blackbyrne, is a previously-untold story of the late movie star. The “epic film” is due for release on DVD and Video on Demand in time for the 89th anniversary of the birth of Monroe in June, 2015. It will be screen at The Regent.
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