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Mayor plans forum to improve development process

Mayor Robert Quaiff

Mayor Robert Quaiff

Mayor Robert Quaiff hopes those involved with local development will participate in a forum to help improve the County’s approvals process.

The intent of the forum is to give contractors, developers and consultants an opportunity to share opinions on how development policy, processes and customer service in the County can be streamlined.

“We know there is room for improvement in our current development policies and procedures,” said Quaiff. “This forum is the second step we are taking toward achieving council’s priority of improving this important service delivery area.”

The County’s Community and Economic Development Commission also identified improvements to the development approvals process as a priority for 2015-16.

The hiring of the Director of Development Services and establishment of a Development Services Group earlier this year marked a first step in the process – bringing together staff from planning, building and engineering services with the aim of streamlining processes and improving the flow of information for developers.

“Development is not simply a technical exercise. It requires a high level of customer service and communication to be successful,” said Peter Moyer, Director of Development Services. “I am eager to open a dialogue with local developers so that we can implement appropriate and meaningful improvements to our processes.”

Staff will be in attendance at the Nov. 25 forum at the Wellington Community Centre, to facilitate group discussions, solicit feedback and present information.

A third step will see a report prepared early in the new year summarizing feedback collected which is to aid in staff’s review of the development approvals process moving forward.

“Improving development policies and procedures is essential if we are going to be proactive about attracting new development,” said Neil Carbone, Director of Community Development. “Development ultimately supports expansion of the local economy, including the creation of jobs, much needed housing and services.”

“Leveraging the County’s growing profile to promote development is instrumental to our long-term financial sustainability,” said Quaiff. “We have to be ready for the increasing demand and make the County a development-friendly place.”

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Emily says:

    Can’t argue with the logic of this. How do we get the “Status Quo 8” to support?

  2. Bill Roberts says:

    Great initiative Mayor Quaiff!

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