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Mayor wants province to discourage travel to Prince Edward County

Prince Edward County Mayor Steve Ferguson wants the premier’s help to discourage travel to Prince Edward County during the COVID-19 pandemic.

He has called a special council meeting for tomorrow seeking support of a resolution asking for the province’s help. He also seeks a temporary bylaw to suspend garage and yard sales in the County during the municipally-declared state-of-emergency.

Due to COVID-19, the meeting will be a virtual electronic gathering and will be live streamed.

Members of the public who wish to provide comment can do so by contacting Clerk Catalina Blumenberg at by 10 a.m. Thursday. The meeting is to begin at 11:30 a.m.

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Will Smith says:

    This discussion is taking a very broad brush. There is a big difference between visitors who come to rent short term and people who have places in the County, pay taxes here and contribute to County life when they are here. Many bring their own food for shorter visits so don’t even use local supermarkets. Regulations should recognize the differences.

  2. Gary says:

    Very pleased this motion did not get approved by Council today.

  3. Chris Keen says:

    I fail to understand how asking the province to discourage people from travelling here is a meaningful solution to an as yet undefined problem. Do we want barricades, a TV campaign, what? (None of this would happen, of course.)

    If the problem is that some STA owners are renting to non-residents then go after them. If the regulations aren’t stringent enough, toughen them and make the fines hurt. If that fails, forbid them from operating – ever.

    We’ve been told millions of times by the Feds and the province – not to mention the County – to stay home unless absolutely necessary to venture out. We don’t need to add to the “noise” with yet another message.

    Of course suspending garage and yard sales is a good idea.

  4. Dennis Fox says:

    I am uncertain as to whether or not banning local people from our local parks and boat launches is necessary – and I suppose that is my point – I am uncertain. Frankly, I believe stopping people from all over Canada coming here to vacation it is the right thing to do – at this time. The question by one of the post asks – “people at risk need protection, but at what cost?” My response is, no one should place anyone at risk if there is a choice. And here there is clearly a choice – the Mayor is doing the right thing! This idea that a person has a right to make money, taking precedence over keeping others safe – is wrong!

  5. Gary says:

    The County needs to slow down on the continual new restrictions, at least until we get more info from the Province and Health officials in regards to the planned reopening. It appears some would prefer we were a totally isolated community from the rest of the country for the forseeable future. Our economy will crumble and people will suffer greatly.

  6. Dave says:

    11,000 empty hospital beds

    the main purpose of this lockdown was to help the hospitals so they weren’t overwhelmed. However we are a long way away from this.

    to summarize:
    2 months ago we didn’t have enough data to know the extend of the problem. Now we do and we can make different decisions.

    1 million families in canada are going to lose their homes because of this lockdown. 600,000 have already asked for mortgage deferal. We all understand that people at risk need to be protected but at what cost?

  7. Cheri Wilkinson says:

    Dear mayor and council, PLEASE think this matter over. You are closing the arenas, and July 1st events as well as the Womens Institution craft sale and THANK YOU!! Both events bring too many people to our County. The wineries are just going to have to wait until it is safe for tourists to again come to the County. Small businesses are hurting with the lack of sales and it’s “well, you have to take the bad with the good” I have seen too many OUT OF TOWN plates in the County (Quebec, Alberta, Nova Scotia)…there are people coming from Toronto to their summer homes. WRONG, WRONG!! This pandemic will never end if people just don’t do what they are asked…….STAY HOME!! No yard sales and garage sales this year as far as I am concerned! Save it and donate the goods to our local Community Care for Seniors or Second Time Around shop when they are able to open. Thank you for taking the time to read. Cheri

  8. JennyD says:

    Since both activities are profit driven, I suggest invoking fines against property owners who rent accommodations to visitors, and to those hosting yard sales or any large scale/public event for that matter. There needs to be follow through, not warnings. Showing some teeth will make a difference.

  9. R Smith says:

    Amazing what fear will do to a community. Lift the lockdown!

  10. Susan says:

    Without society herd immunity by being exposed, the second wave of the virus will be much more deadly.

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