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Mayor will not seek re-election

Peter Mertens addresses supporters from the steps of the Wellington Town Hall. Amber Martin photo

Peter Mertens addresses supporters from the steps of the Wellington Town Hall. Amber Martin photo

Mayor Peter Mertens announced today he will not seek re-election this fall.

“It is with mixed feelings that I have made the decision not to seek re-election in the 2014 municipal election,” he said in a letter to County residents. “It has been an honour to serve as Councillor and Mayor over the past eight years and I am truly grateful for having had the opportunity to work on behalf of such a unique community.”

Mertens said he is proud of the accomplishments achieved.

“With the municipality headed in a direction of long-term, financial sustainability and with a commitment to customer service, it is time for someone with new ideas to lead the County over the next four years,” he said.

“The County is a wonderful place to live, work and play and I encourage anyone with an interest in municipal politics to get get involved. I thank you for the opportunity and I look forward to continue working on behalf of residents as I carry out the remainder of my term.

Peter and his wife Kathleen came to the County in 2005 and the following year he was elected to represent Wellington. He won the 2010 election with 3,489 votes. Sandy Latchford was next wth 2327, followed by Monica Alyea, Lori Slik, Gord Fox and Paul Boyd.

Of the 21,351 eligible voters, 10,598 cast a ballot for a 49.63 per cent turnout for the county – improved over the 39.4 per cent in the 2006 election.

As of today, councillor Keith MacDonald is the only person to have officially filed nomination papers. He represents Hallowell.

Candidates may file nomination forms with the County clerk Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (excluding statutory holidays) from Jan. 2, 2014 to Thursday, Sept. 11, 2014. On Nomination Day – September 12, 2014 – nominations forms may be filed from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Election day is Oct. 27.

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Marnie says:

    Doris – too bad it is often the most popular not the best qualified that are elected.

  2. Rightie says:

    Doris, you go girl…go for it !

  3. Doris Lane says:

    Marnie I supported both Don Ward and Paul Boyd in the last election. They both had a lot of prior experience in the council before amalgamation. Don as the CAO of the County and Paul as the reeve of Ameliasburgh

  4. Marnie says:

    I hope that Don Ward and Paul Boyd will run again – both were solid candidates but did not get the support they deserved.

  5. Doris Lane says:

    Thanks Lois and Mark for your vote last time
    Well Don and I would have shook things up.
    A little too old to run again and my husband is not well
    Hoping Robert Quaiff will run for Mayor and I will support him

  6. Lori Cairns says:

    Doris got my vote, too. Are you going to run again, Doris?

  7. Mark says:

    Well Doris stepped up last go around. She got my vote. I was hoping to see her and Don Ward represent Picton, but I failed on both.

  8. Rightie says:

    If everyone is so unhappy with Council, and the outgoing Mayor, is anyone here interested in stepping up to the plate to run for office themself?

  9. David Warrick says:

    Mayor Mertens:

    Thank you for your years of service and for helping to bring sound fiscal management to the County.

    The County is much better off today because of your leadership. Your successor will be able to move forward with a positive agenda.

    Thanks again,

    David Warrick

  10. Doris Lane says:

    Mayors come and mayors go. Too bad he does not take most of the council with him, except for 3 or 4.
    I suppose all that group ho ran for Mayor will be right in there. We need some new blood. How about some of our actuaries
    The problem is that most of the people who run for council are there for personal reasons. Is there someone out there who CARES about the County???

  11. Marnie says:

    Too bad that Mayor Mertens did not come forward for our hospital in the way that Mayor Williams did for Trenton Memorial. Maybe no one could have saved the day but he could have taken a stronger stand.

  12. Mark says:

    Steve, what do you mean by a clean table? One ancient Councilor has already announced.

  13. County Steve says:

    I believe that Mertens stepped up appropriately with some very crucial Council decisions. He offered us a clear head, and some stability which has not been seen in many years of Council … and I’ve seen many of them.
    It looks like a clean table … anyone up for something completely different?

  14. Marie says:

    Good to see election fever is in the air in PEC!

  15. Marnie says:

    He had a habit of saying Point Taken when what he meant was he really did not care. He did not provide the strong leadership needed when major challenges confronted the county.

  16. Matt Helm says:

    Mayor Mertens has proven a quality public servant.

    It’s rare to find politicians that would rather do their job than grab headlines but Mayor Mertens has certainly been one of those. In that, he stands in stark contrast to his counterpart in Belleville who’s always put a higher priority on getting his name in the paper.

    With a little council turnover and a new mayor, the County will have some bright days ahead.

  17. Wolf Braun says:

    ” Response was “Uh, no I dont’have anything to say” ” — DJ

    Yup ! Saw his silence on important issues several times over the last 12 months. When he finally came out and spoke on saving our hospital it was more than “limp” !

  18. Dayton Johnson says:

    My first meeting with Mayor Mertens quickly formed my opinion of the man. It was an awards dinner for County athletes past and present held at the Essroc centre in Wellington. As he was tucking into a FREE prime rib catered meal the Mayor was asked if he would like to step to the mike and say a few words.
    Response was “Uh, no I dont’have anything to say”. Really? 3-5 minutes would interupt supper I guess but no congratulations? Nothing? A bit cold in my opinion.

  19. Dave says:

    Sorry to see Peter not running again—I think he just got tired of dealing with some of the bozos on council.

  20. Gary Mooney says:

    I think that Mayor Mertens has done an excellent job for County residents this Council term. Under his leadership, Council has:
    * Put County government on the road to financial sustainability;
    * Restructured County staff and internal operations for greater effectiveness.

  21. Jim McMillan says:

    Thanks for your devoting your time to the County.
    We’re the better for it.
    Jim McMillan Black Creek

  22. Argyle says:

    This is good news. Now if a few others on council would do the same,some really needed turnover in the council chambers could happen.This council has been plagued by poor decisions and partisan politics.

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