McDougall Backs the Build with $50,000
Administrator | Nov 03, 2019 | Comments 0

Pictured outside Picton’s McDougall Insurance Picton office with the donation cheque are members of the PECMH Foundation, Back the Build Campaign and McDougall Insurance staff and family members.
The McDougall Insurance family has presented a $50,000 campaign boost to Back the Build of the County’s new hospital.
“We’re exceptionally proud to make this gift to the Foundation to help ensure families continue to have access to the care they need, here at home,” said Don Stanton Jr., president of McDougall Insurance and Financial. “Our employees in the Picton, Wellington and regional offices have a deep connection to this community, and McDougall Insurance wanted to show our support and give to the hospital many of us grew up with.”
McDougall’s contribution propelled the total raised for the PECMH Foundation’s Back the Build Campaign to just over $11.3 million.
“Ours is a donation to a much bigger number,” added Stanton. “They have an enormous task ahead to raise $16.5 million in a small community, and we look forward to them being very successful in their endeavour.”
He said looks to his dad, Don Stanton Sr., who was with the hospital foundation since 1985 and continued throughout the years.
“He was involved with the foundation in some respect for most of my childhood and formative years so I think I got a sense of what it took to run a community hospital. Without community involvement, and donations, it doesn’t exist. We need to give back to our community.”
Shannon Coull, executive director of the PECMH Foundation said the generous gift continues McDougall’s outstanding leadership in giving toward the hospital. In addition to Friday’s announcement, the company has been giving to PECMHF’s equipment campaign for 12 years.
“Their support will help ensure a new facility will be built, so those needing medical attention in our community will continue to receive the best care possible,” said Coull.
“This incredible gift brings us one step closer to building a new hospital,” said Nancy Parks, campaign co-chair. “It’s inspiring to see the community come together in support of a new Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital. Their contribution will make a significant impact on how health care is delivered in our community for years to come and will help motivate others to help Back the Build. We are extremely grateful for their gift today.”
Fundraising continues for the Back the Build campaign as project planning partners expect to receive approval to move into Stage 3 of the five-stage planning process at any time.
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