Millennium Trail watermain project moves forward under budget
Administrator | Jun 21, 2022 | Comments 0
Council has authorized the lowest tender – under budget – at $1,194,164 for the Millennium Trail Watermain Extension project, with RW Tomlinson Ltd.
The new watermain extends the existing one along the trail at its intersection with the McFarland Drive road allowance, north-easterly approximately 300m to the age-in-place lands, then south easterly another 300m within the future extension of Leo Finnegan Drive, to an existing tie-in point.
It’s part of a multi-phase plan to serve future developments in east Picton – including the new long-term care project replacing McFarland Home – and expects to improve water quality, reduce stagnant water and also eliminate dead-ended mains, reducing breaks.
The project cost (construction, geotechnical, environmental, survey, design, contingencies, admin, project management and taxes) is under the budgeted $2M.
In line with the County’s tree management policy, it was recommended the watermain be installed in the middle of the Millennium Trail rather than beside, to mitigate damage to the natural environment. The trail committee has been consulted throughout the design process to plan for site safety enclosure during construction and talks continue to determine the best way to minimize trail closure during peak periods.
Subsequent extensions will be required as development occurs along County Road 49 to the north-eastly urban boundary limit.
Filed Under: Local News
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