More than 500 pounds of garbage collected in South Shore Joint Initiative cleanup day
Administrator | Sep 25, 2022 | Comments 1

SSJI’s second annual South Shore clean up event collected more than 500 pounds of garbage. – Javier Zeller photo
A dedicated group of volunteer trash bashers combed access roads to the south shoreline of the County last weekend, picking up more than 500 pounds of garbage during the South Shore Joint Initiative’s second annual South Shore clean up event.
Twenty area residents spent more than two hours cleaning up the South Shore and filling industrial size clear garbage bags with trash of all sorts including the usual assortment of beer cans, coffee cups and candy wrappers. Some of the more unusual items collected included everything from discarded tires and a toilet, to a broken recliner chair and kitchen pots and pans.
The venture was organized by the South Shore Joint Initiative (SSJI) which is a coalition of partner organizations and individuals working to protect the south shore Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) which stretches from Point Petre to Prince Edward Point.
The primary goal of the event is to clean up garbage strewn along the shoreline and access roads, Cheryl Anderson, event co-ordinator explained, with the secondary goal of increasing awareness of the scenic beauty of the unique habitat to be found along the lakeshore.
Anderson expressed appreciation for the help received from the County of Prince Edward which donated the use of a dumpster bin to collect the refuse, as well as a large quantity of clear garbage bags for collecting the garbage.
Participants were rewarded with a gift certificate for The Vic Café. The event was made possible with support for the South Shore Clean Up was provided by the Elizabeth Crombie Real Estate Team.
Click here to learn more about the South Shore Joint Initiative and its programs.
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