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Municipality seeks input on Lake on the Mountain traffic study report

An invitation for public participation in Monday’s virtual public meeting seeking feedback on proposed improvements to traffic and pedestrian flow at Lake on the Mountain has been extended following the release of a report late Friday.

The municipality is hosting a review of improvements and suggestions from Ainley & Associates, hired following extensive concerns from some residents and businesses last year about interim parking restrictions on the roadway.

Controversy last season centred on a section of the County’s new Tourism Management Plan that eliminated parking on both sides of the road and increased fines to $400 in several locations in the County, including Lake on the Mountain.

Last spring, council had implemented a seasonal no-parking zone on both sides of County Road 7 from civic addresses 230 to 326, stating “Each day, hundreds of pedestrians cross the road along this stretch of County Road 7, putting them in the path of uncontrolled vehicle traffic. Getting across the road safely is particularly challenging for people with mobility or physical disabilities. Parking along the roadsides makes it difficult for drivers to see pedestrians who step out to cross the road, further increasing the risk of pedestrian injury or fatality.”

Council, in August, asked staff for a report with technical evaluations to provide long-term options for the area along County Road 7 at Lake on the Mountain – with options that could be implemented before this year’s tourist season.

While some noted the study would be completed after the heaviest of tourism season, council was informed traffic concerns in the area have been brought to meetings of public works and traffic advisory going back at least 18 years.

The County has extended the sign-up deadline to attend the virtual meeting to be held Monday, Jan. 31 at 7 p.m. Email Aynsley Osborne at by noon Jan. 31 to obtain ‘Zoom’ participation information. This is an information-only meeting, where findings of the report will be presented, but no decisions made. People who would like to ask questions or make comments will be able to do so after the presentation.

The Ainsley Group 132-page report was made available for viewing on the County website on Friday.

As well as study findings, improvements and considerations include pedestrian walkways, a crossover (without traffic signals), parking lanes on widened shoulders and traffic calming measures which could include a raised median at the pedestrian crossover, solar power radar speed sign, pavement markings and a reduced speed to 40km/h.

Feedback received in conjunction with the findings of the review and the public meeting are to form a staff report with recommendations that are to be presented to council at a meeting in February or March.

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  1. gilles says:

    All great ideas for ensuring pedestrian safety around the LOTM Prov Park and the single owner of 4 businesses: raised sidewalks and a regulated crosswalk. The problem: who is going to foot the bill? The Prov Park? The businesses? The County taxpayers.

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