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Need for Christmas Angel campaign greater than ever

Elisha MacDonald and Stephanie Calver are two of many elves volunteering to assist with the CAS Angel Christmas Campaign this year. The office is located in the Sobey’s Plaza beside The Source.

Need for the assistance in the Prince Edward County community is greater than ever this year.
Susan Rose, Chief Angel with the CAS annual campaign, says more than 160 families have registered this year.

“We are getting a bit nervous,” said Rose. “There is much work to be done.”

The CAS Angel Campaign office is located at the Sobey’s Plaza, between The Source and Flowers By Marvin this year. As well as being open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. the headquarters will also be open on Saturdays. Call 613 243 0562 for information.

As well as contributors purchasing clothing and toys for children, the CAS Campaign is in need of food donations that are geared toward children  such as canned spaghetti products, Kraft dinner, hot cereal, peanut butter and hot chocolate.

The Angel Campaign, Salvation Army and the Picton and Wellington food banks maintain master lists to help ensure all who need assistance are served without duplication.

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  1. DJ says:

    It is bad no matter where you live in this country called Canada right now. I think we need to step back and rememeber the meaning of Christmas, and perhaps we would all have a better one.

  2. Louise. says:

    There are a lot of children in the county who do not have enough to eat, There used to be a breakfast program in some of the schools. In some of the schools in the county each classroom has a box where children can get fruit box or other things if they do not have enough lunch.
    Is council aware of these needs when they waste money on consultants for heritage etc. Most of the money given to council is for unnessary things, Maybe we should find out from Susan Rose where the real need is in the county

  3. m york says:

    Susan, Do you get any municipal help? If one child goes without this year then thats one to many. I believe in the New Year will all see just how bad it is to continue to live here in P.E.C. I am asking for change in PEC from SANTA, now lets see if he delivers. If not than a community meeting is needed in January as to many people are going without, taxes continue to rise, services cut, jobs cut, businesses closing. The changes that have happened thus far has done nothing for the County but put us back about ten years.

  4. Susan Rose says:

    10 years ago we had 67 registered before we opened up the Angel Office. The number of families is always increasing for sure!!

  5. Susan Rose says:

    WOW “Kids Helping Kids” just dropped off over $900 from their concert..way to go!! Amazing job again this year…my heart is very warm and fuzzy!! Thanks to all of you talented young folks and those that attend! Always an enjoyable evening!! <3

  6. fed up says:

    According to the Yesterdays section in the Gazette, 10 years ago 69 families registered with the Angel campaign. Need has been steadily increasing over the last 10 years.
    This year’s figures reflect what is happening to economies worldwide. So far Canada is one of the most fortunate, and by some standards, the least affected by global economic issues. Many parts of Europe, for example, are in dire straits. It’s not the first time that times are a bit tough, and it won’t be the last.
    Let’s each of us to do our part, according to our abilities, to help those in our community who are struggling this year. And let’s not forget them when the holiday season is over.

  7. Louise. says:

    AS M York says it is increasingly dificult to live in the County–water/sewer too high–taxes going up all the time.
    And still Council thinks they can spend more money, all they have to do is raise taxes, The news today said the price of food is going up in the New Year. Note in the article above that 160 families have asked for help and the Angel group ar asking for food this year to put in Santas bag. Things are not looking good in the County. Time for Council to step back amd see what their new ideas are doing to all of us

  8. m york says:

    Things are tough all over, jobs are disappearing at a great rate and people can no longer afford to live in Prince Edward County. Just this morning I heard of people that are unable to pay their water or hydro bill so for them its food or water as both is no longer an option for some. At this time of year it only makes things more difficult for families especially the ones who are trying to put on a Christmas for their child/children. Thus creating stress for the family unit and anger towards many for the ever rising costs of being able to live or survive here. I would like to challenge the County officials who have voted to to increase the costs of water, loss of jobs, to give back a little to the taxpayers of this community and donate to the ones who need that extra help. It certainly would go a long way in the destruction you’s have created since the re-organization. Merry Christmas

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