New council hears PEFAC is a County success story
Administrator | Jan 10, 2019 | Comments 0
Susan Mathieu, board member with the Prince Edward Fitness and Aquatic Centre, told councillors at Thursday’s Committee of the Whole meeting that PEFAC is a County success story now ready to dive into big plans over the next four years.
“The growth in our members and our use has resulted in increased earned revenue – up 40 per cent in the past four years,” she said. “We had a small net income last year – money that’s being held in reserve for unexpected expenses, to help cover further wage increases, and to help go toward our next capital project.”
The municipality helped PEFAC get established, recognizing the importance of having an indoor
pool in in the County and its continued support, she noted, is also key to success gaining capital grants and improved financial performance.
In 2014, PEFAC brought its business plan to council and requested an annual $20,000 capital commitment from the municipality. Over the past four years, the facility has received more than $210,000 in grants from the Parrott Foundation, Trillium Foundation,the Ontario and Canada 150 grant program and the Stark Family Fund.
That funding allowed PEFAC to invest more than $410,000 in facility improvements and boost its use by County residents.
Mathieu reported total users have increased 72 per cent over the last four years to about 5,000 in 2017-18, from 2,900 in 2014-15. It has also created assisted memberships for 42 families in need. Its payroll, mostly to young people, is at almost $400,000 and now, PEFAC covers more than 90 per cent of its operating costs from earned revenue.
Depending on the success of $100,000 in grant funding requests, PEFAC would like to re-locate its cardio room to the main level to improve accessibility and provide more space.
Over the next four years it plans to increase, training and staff levels as well as program capacity and variety to accommodate demand from families, young people and retirees.
“We think PEFAC is a County success story,” said Mathieu. It’s a facility made possible by volunteers, and collaboration with the County along with increased use for all walks of life and contributing to the health and wellness of our community.”
Facilities and programs at PEFAC include:
• 25 metre indoor pool
• Squash courts
• Cardio exercise room with treadmills, bikes, elliptical and rowing machines
• Cycling room
• Weight room
• Studio for group classes
• Yoga/relaxation room
• Outdoor area for summer
day camp
• Swimming lessons including Swim to Survive for all Grade 3 students
• Children’s programs – summer and holiday day
camps, gym, swim and dance
• Aquafit classes, group fitness classes and yoga • 60 classes a week
• Personal training
• Master’s swimming
• Squash leagues and clinics
• Free public swims
• New in January – Karate & Ju-jitsu for adults and children
Visit for more about PEFAC
Visit the facility at 13263B Loyalist Parkway, Picton
Call 613-476-7776 to arrange a tour
or email
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