New grant program promotes heritage conservation
Administrator | Nov 20, 2018 | Comments 0
The County is supporting rehabilitation and restoration of designated heritage structures through a new grant program.
“As a council, we made a commitment to explore progressive policies that promote the rural and historic character of Prince Edward County,” said Mayor Robert Quaiff. “Through the Heritage Property Grant Program, we are encouraging property owners to take the initiative and conserve or enhance the character-defining elements of their designated heritage properties.”
The grants will support work such as building façade improvements, rear or sidewall façade improvements, structural improvements, interior or exterior rehabilitation, landscaping and property improvement, or signage improvements. Priority will be given to projects that conserve or restore elements of the property’s historical attributes.
Properties designated under the Ontario Heritage Act are eligible for the Heritage Property Grant Program. This includes individually designated properties and properties in a heritage conservation district (HCD). However, a property within a HCD that does not contribute to the cultural heritage value of the district, such as those categorized as “other,” are not eligible unless the application is for new signage.
The Prince Edward Heritage Advisory Committee (PEHAC) spearheaded the development of the Heritage Property Grant Program, which will be implemented by municipal staff. PEHAC will remain involved in the process by reviewing and commenting on the grant applications.
“We appreciate the time and effort PEHAC members invested in this initiative,” said Quaiff. “Last year, we reflected on our past and future as we celebrated Canada 150 and Prince Edward County’s 225th anniversary. The Heritage Property Grant Program represents a fitting legacy project to commemorate this milestone year.”
The municipality is now accepting applications for the program. Visit the County of Prince Edward website for more details, including the complete application guideline document.
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