New nurse practitioner joins PE Family Health Team
Administrator | Aug 04, 2011 | Comments 0
Marie-Elaine Delvin is the newest nurse practitioner to join the Prince Edward County Family Health Team.
Delvin will practice two days a week at the Upper County Clinic in Rossmore and the Harbourview Clinic in Picton with a fifth day spent running the primary care clinic at Prince Edward Collegiate Institute high school in Picton.
“Ms. Delvin graduated as a nurse practitioner from the University of Ottawa in 2004 and brings a wealth of experience to our community,” said Duff Sprague, PEFHT executive director.
Delvin practiced for eight years at the Sandy Lake First Nation in Northwestern Ontario, first as a community health nurse and most recently in the position of Nurse-in-Charge. Prior to her years at Sandy Lake, she worked in the emergency department of the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal and was among the first Canadian responders to assist at New York City’s Ground Zero arriving in Manhattan 24 hours following the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Centre.
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