New park for south shore, fingerboard signs, and parking bylaw amendments among agenda items
Administrator | Aug 10, 2011 | Comments 5

Prince Edward County’s south shore from Point Petre to Point Traverse, including the entire Long Point peninsula, is an internationally recognized Important Bird Area (IBA).
Prince Edward County Council, at its committee of the whole meeting Thursday morning, will discuss a request from Trueman Tuck, for a proposed federal and provincial park and private sector partnership to protect environmentally sensitive land in the south shore designated important bird area.
Council is expected to provide direction to staff to report back to a future meeting.
There are no deputations scheduled for the meeting.
Council will also receive a report regarding indoor tanning facilities. Council is expected to direct staff to issue a news release for the purpose of raising awareness of the issue and its risks. Council will also request the Hastings and Prince Edward Counties Health Unit continue with its postcard campaign “No Tan is Worth Dying For” and to provide posters and other information, targeting youth, to educate them on the dangers of ultraviolet radiation.
The Crowes Road rehabilitation project is on the agenda. Council will discuss concerns about the condition of the road and fact that its rehabilitation work was cut from the 2011 capital budget. Staff will be requested to report back with options that may alleviate problems within this budget year.
Councillor Terry Shortt will present an amendment to the fingerboard sign policy that will read: “Fingerboard signs shall be permitted for directional purposes only, and not for advertising purposes.”
Councillors will also discuss a corporate communications plan in which a customer service position be created within the clerk’s department with a mandate to provide ongoing customer service and communications services to the corporation.
Also on the agenda:
Report from the tax collector regarding property tax that are uncollectible, to be vested and to be declared as surplus.
Report from the Fire Chief regarding the heating system for the Hillier Fire Station.
Report from H.J. McFarland Memorial Home regarding funding increases and personal support worker staffing increases.
Report from the Deputy Chief Building official regarding amendments to the parking bylaw. Parking bylaw schedules are updated annually to add new fire routes and disabled parking spaces. Because of limited access to the rear of business on Main St., the Picton Parking Study recommended an additional loading zone on Main Street as an option.
Among the many amendments, leases for the taxi parking in front of the Royal Hotel will expire in September and will not be renewed. It is recommended these spaces be designated for use as a loading zone.
For background and all the reports, click:
Filed Under: Local News
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Exactly…just another attempt by the anti-winds to prevent their precious retirement backyards from green energy. So now they want a park and access to the south shore?! What about all the sensitive habitats down there? What about the threatened species they pretend to worry about?
I do wish these NIMBYs would spend as much time considering the reduction of their own footprint, and making their own lives more sustainable, as they spend on their anti-wind campaigns.
Paul, I wonder if there is a difference in quality between the “whiner” who wants to prevent wind turbines on the county and the “whiner” who wants to prevent park land from being established on the county. FYI Paul, your tax money is being used to subsidize IWTs.
So much for that “Zero budget increase” you were always harping about, Doris. Unless it suits your own agenda.
Paul the South Shore park is an excellent idea–we should be very proud of this area of our County –It is not going to cost the taxpayers a lot of money–not as much as some other things council has done in the past. A present there is not easy access to the South Shore. I for one would like easy access to the lake front and be able to take advantage of it.
It’ obvious that this is just another attempt for the whiners to prevent windmills from coming to the county. Well I say, ” Grow up, will you ?”. Crap like this is only going to cost the tax payers money, first in the building of and then the maintaining of it. Unless these people are willing to sign life time contracts offering to pay for all the maintainence(including winter) and garbage disposal out of their own pockets and if they’re, then just give it up will you. Besides are there not parks down that way anyways such as: Point Petre and Little Bluff, that the people can visit anyways? Maybe I’m being a little harsh about this and for that I’m not sorry, it’s time these people started looking at the big picture and not just what’s happening in their own little worlds.