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New purchasing bylaw designed to support local economy

Council approved a revised purchasing byaw designed to improve the efficiency and accountability of the County’s purchasing processes, and help remove obstacles for small and local businesses who wish to provide goods or services to the County.

“We’re making these changes to our purchasing bylaw and procedures to support our local economy by improving opportunities for small and local companies to do business with the County,” says Mayor Peter Mertens.  “Ensuring a large and diverse pool of suppliers will also result in receiving good quality services and products at competitive prices”.

The County, in a statment, says the new bylaw was drafted to be more user-friendly for participants, addressing concerns that have been raised by suppliers. A more streamlined purchasing process and clearer guidance on procurement methods are two significant changes. Other changes include:
• Greater transparency
• A new format
• More streamlined Approval Authority to improve processing time
• Improved authorization for procurement methods
• Modifications to WSIB requirements
• Relaxed bid security provisions and potential waiving of insurance requirements for small value and low risk projects/services, and
• Greater accountability measures for approvals and expenditures

“By approving the new bylaw, Council continues to act on their commitment to find efficiencies for the corporation through the corporate realignment process, moving the municipality toward long-term sustainability,” said Mertens. The new byaw can be viewed on the County’s website, and hard copies can be obtained at Shire Hall.

Filed Under: Local News

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