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New speed display signs remind drivers of how fast they’re going

Two speed display signs will be put into service to help remind drivers how fast they’re going through Prince Edward County hamlets.

The signs are a result of complaints by local residents to the municipality and to the Ontario Provincial Police about speeding. The signs are funded by the municipality and purchased by the Police Services Board as a visual tool for motorists and data collection for both police and the municipality.

The portable signs are usually located at either end of an area where the posted speed limit of 80km/h is greatly reduced through smaller communities such as Northport, Demorestville, Cherry Valley, Rose Hall, Hillier, Carrying Place, Milford, Black River, Waupoos, Glenora, Wellington, Bloomfield.

The approaching vehicles’ speed is prominently displayed and flashes to advise the motorist.

Data collected from the speed sign’s internal computer is used to identify problem areas. Officers may be deployed to those areas to enforce the speed limit, and the municipality can use data collected to support or refute posted speed limit concerns and for planning road improvements.

An OPP media release states feedback from the community on the use of the signs has been positive, noting some residents invite local officers to park their police cruisers in their driveways for the purpose of speed enforcement.

Filed Under: Local News


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  1. Mark says:

    The Metro crosswalk is a dangerous one and not seen by drivers as easily for some reason. I push the light and wait until all traffic is stopped otherwise you are taking your chances. Then again you have our Municipal Building Shire Hall which no one walking can get to without jay walking a very busy street. I guess one could walk all the way to the arena crosswalk and walk all the way back on the other side to access. LOl

  2. Ken Globe says:

    I watched a driver drive through the active crosswalk at the Metro about a month ago. A cop was sitting in the parking lot, and he went after the driver and pulled him over. I just wish all the pedestrians would use the crosswalks and push the damn button to activate the lights. Certain times of day the sun is shining straight down Main Street and it’s near impossible to always see the pedestrians darting out on the road.

  3. Dennis Fox says:

    Speeding is a problem throughout the municipality – in both urban and rural areas. I know out here in Northport I had to attend a Town Hall Meeting in Demorestville, followed by a number of emails, before getting someone to pay attention. In a conversation with an OPP officer, he stopped one motorist going 102kph in a 50 zone! The speed display signs did help here quite a bit, but once they took them away, we are right back to where we started a year ago. Speeding is one thing, but sheer stupidity is another – like the young driver who ran the crosswalk in front of Metro last week – how do you stop that?

  4. mikebr99 says:

    And Johnson St. around PECI… it’s posted at 40kms… but that’s not the speed of traffic.

  5. Emily says:

    I support the Paul Street radar posting first as this as mentioned is out of control and there are far more young pedestrians in an internal residential street. Or give the radar to West Main and just get some police presence on Paul!

  6. Ray Hobson says:

    +1 for Main Street West survey, speeding is prevalent in both directions from No Frills to LCBO.

  7. Patti says:

    Main Street West after the LCBO. People zoom along this stretch thinking they have an open road but it’s actually residential.

  8. Mark says:

    Can we get one posted on Paul Street? In town speed on a residential street heading to the high school is out of control. Vehicles coming off Main heading up Paul just floor it. Ridiculous.

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