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Update: Marina will provide fuel this summer

UPDATE April 17 – The fuel pumps at Picton marina will remain operational this summer as mandatory replacement of the fuel tanks has been rescheduled for the fall.

Following further discussions with the County, the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) has agreed to permit the Picton marina to continue dispensing fuel until Oct. 15, 2014 to minimize impact on boaters, tourists, and the local economy.

Once a construction schedule is finalized, the County will issue public announcements to communicate any service disruptions that may occur as a result of this project.

No gas at marina while County replaces tanks

APRIL 11 – Boaters will not be able to gas up at Picton Marina between July 4 and Aug. 15 this summer as the County must replace tanks and the piping system.

Council will tender to replace the underground gas tanks and supply lines with the required double walled systems that meet Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) guidelines. The County will also devise a communication plan to alert boaters.

In 2010, the County was notified it was required to comply with the Ontario Liquid Fuels Handling Code and had three years to meet the code. In 2013, the County received an order to comply by the TSSA and that all fuel dispensing was to cease until the fuel system was upgraded.

A capital project was proposed and approved for the 2014 budget. The new tanks are estimated to last at least 40 years. They have 30-years warranties against leaks as result of structural failure; natural external corrosion and internal corrosion. Construction time is estimated at six weeks or less.

At budget time council learned that in 2013 there were approximately 80,000 litres of fuel sold. With a surcharge of 10 cents per litre the payback on the cost of the replacement works would take 17.5 years.

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  1. Marnie says:

    The LCBO used to be McKee Motors.

  2. Mark says:

    The BP station was on the now empty weed ridden lot across from the McFarland building on Talbot. The Liquor store was a gas station dealership I believe as was the building across from Timmy’s. Going back to the McFarland building the Christmas display of Mary, Jesus and the 3 wise men was always heart warming. That is when Christmas was about family and not a commercial craze that put’s far too much pressure on families and in a lot of ways has ruined the event.

  3. Marnie says:

    There was also Blakely’s Hardware, almost next door to VanDusen’s. They had a great record bar with lots of 45’s and LP’s. The Gorslines opened a record bar too about where Power Fitness is now. They would actually open an LP for you and let you hear a few selections from it before you decided to buy.

  4. Mark says:

    Remember Nourse’s Electric beside Billy Henleys shoe shop. Boy Billy besides shoe repair could really sharpen a pair of skates! Also Vandusens Plumbing & Heating where the Beach Bum now is.In the front part of the store they sold appliances and TV’s . People were lined up to see the first colour sets.

  5. Paul says:

    Ahh yes I made ALOT of change those days show up at the fish house and do a store run for the Fella’s most had their own refreshments but needed mix of course, Bill’s Dairy Store did alright too. I worked for Murney fishing the St Lawrence for a few seasons like my Dad had done as well as at the Fish House followed in the Old Mans footsteps for awhile.. Not many fishing operations left in The County now..

  6. Mark says:

    The old fish house, the Jarvis Fish Co. on Bowery St. behind todays Esso Station. Run by Murney Jarvis and Jack Buchanan There was a poker game there everyday. 10 players at the table and usually another dozen waiting to get in. The game shutdown about this time of year for a couple of months when the perch run started. Most all of the oldtimers that played are all gone now. Some they are playing a few hands up above!

  7. Marnie says:

    The chess club met at Dave Baron’s restaurant and those photographs, Dayton, were taken by Lloyd Thompson. He had a studio next door.

  8. Dayton Johnson says:

    Barons retraurant at the top of the town hill…had all those black and white photos of some of the locals.Johny Baverstock was one of the favorites. I think he was one of the first characters to pickup recyclables along the road. His wagon should have gone to a local museum!
    I can remember walking the side roads and ditches for pop bottles…trade them in for cash to get into the “buck night” at the local drive in theatre. A whole carload of people for a dollar! Of course some would pack the car and put a few bodies in the trunk as well.
    If there was a dance friday night in Picton and you were without wheels you could always hitch a ride with the bread truck driver Keith Hanna…he’d drop you off on main street. Good Stuff.

  9. Marnie says:

    Who can forget Hughie Frizzell’s tourist resort at Lake On The Mountain? There was a wonderful old water fountain in front of the cabins featuring a little boy and girl sheltering under an umbrella.

    The Frizzells served delicious meals in their dining room across the road and there was a dance floor with music provided by a juke box. It was a happening place all summer long.

    There used to be a steep gravel road that ran from the Glenora ferry landing up the hill to Lake On The Mountain. People still drove it when I was a child. It was lined with lilac bushes and their fragrance was amazing. It is probably little more than an overgrown foot path now.

    Then there was Miss Merle Pearsoll and her Glenora Road resort called Merland Park. She and her sister were hairdressers with a Picton shop called the Royal Beauty Salon. It was located in the old North American Hotel on Picton`s Main Street. The Royal had big, noisy dryers and all of the women under them shouted at one another to make themselves heard. A lot of gossip was revealed to all and sundry that way.

  10. baysider says:

    You guy’s are dong a good job covering the good old Prince Edward county. Remember the lunch counter at Teasells drug store. There were two gas stations in Waupoos,good burgers at Gord Quaiff’s.There were two grocery stores in Waupoos, Weese’s, and Hughes. There were two small grocery stores in Cressy and a small store at Mrtyle Sniders near lake on the Mountain.I could go on but that was my County

  11. Lori Cairns says:

    I am totally enjoying this walk down memory lane.

    Keep on walking!

  12. Marnie says:

    I can assure you Jack that the past was not all warm and cuddly. The fact that we can remember the good times does not mean that we are using them as a shield against reality. Those days made us the people that we are now. We lived through the good and the bad. We are doing the same today and undoubtedly there are happy memories that we will take with us from the present. Those who begrudge us our recollections must be sadly lacking in good times to recall. Sorry you missed out on so much.

  13. Jack says:

    Living in the past is a great security blanket., it.s easy it,s all warm and cuddly.. We seem to remember only the good times. Oh for the good old days .Fact,s are you are living your life today and living in the present is not so easy and they are not all good old days. Nothing stays the same and neither should it. There is no going back and you cannot stop progress.

  14. Marnie says:

    Mark – Remember when Dr. Walmsley’s waiting room was so crowded that people sat on his front steps? No one had to make an appointment. If you felt sick you just went to see him. In fact you could pretty much doctor shop in those days. If you felt like a change you could see Dr. Hart or Dr. Richmond, no questions asked. All of them always had time to visit. Dr. Walmsley mixed the foulest tonics that I have ever tasted. It was seldom necessary to go to the pharmacy or the ER in those days. The doctors dispensed pills and medications minus today’s dispensing fees.

    Remember the set of big blue scales outside the Stedman Store? For a penny you could get weighed.

    Then there was Louise Cook’s candy store where the Regent box office is now located. The windows were filled with the most amazing confections. I can still taste those all-day suckers.

    Wright’s Drug Store next door sold school supplies and packers of stamps that kids could buy to post in albums.

    There was a photographer’s studio next to Wright’s where Sidna Nourse snapped pictures of almost every baby in town. Pat Hodgson later took it over and then Mary Kinney.

    Who remembers Picton Public Library with Miss Kathleen Keech as chief librarian?

    The Picton Gazette was on Ross Street and the Times office was near Bruce Campbell’s law office.

    Wonderful memories!

  15. Jack Smith says:

    If you go to Max’s Milk before 7-a.m. in the morning or after 7-p.m. at night you get gas 2 cents cheaper. I know it isn’t much but a little bit helps. This is the store in Picton. 🙂

  16. Jack Smith says:

    Thanks Marnie. Have to get together sometime for a coffee at Timmie’s or Miss Lily’s Cafe. You have yourself a lovely day. 🙂

  17. Mark says:


    – Canadian Tire Store beside the Welch building and former Bank of Montreal.
    – Coles Butcher shop at the top of the Town Hill. Hung the deer outside from the northern hunt, huge bear skin on the wall, I would go in with Dad and they would give you a raw weiner to eat.Funny how there was no ecoli scare back then.
    – Walt Fraser”s Mens Wear located across the street from Coles and later located where Menlove Lawyer’s office is or next door to it.
    – Dr. Walmsley’s office was located in the present B&B across from the Merril Inn. Doc Walmsley would mix your cough medicine in his office. A kind, great man.

    More to come.

  18. IM Messenger says:

    What about the town halls with their distinct county decor, which is amazing that it’s still intact. All of that is worth saving, imo. Albeit too costly to replace with renovation or when the ceiling falls into the middle of the room (Demorestville). A shame, what a loss. Modern is better? cheaper for sure.

    Oops on the number of gas stations in the county. Once Grumpy’s closed on Hwy#62 it left ppl in the lurch. 5 stn. are still a prob for folks in Wellington, Hillier, Sophiasburgh, Weller’s Bay. So far to double back to get gas. Tanks 1/2 full most of the time, esp. in winter and that’s ridiculous. It’s as bad as “On Peak Hours” for hydro use. Like some monkey on your back.

    Outhouses and cisterns. The only running water was when it rained or when you had to run after it.

    I see in Colorado the powers that be are trying to charge anyone from storing rain water, making it against the law. Corps trying to own it.

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