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Officers Pedal for Hope in the County






PEC OPP Officer Kim Guthrie hugs Sarah Reddick, a Grade 12 student at PECI who has battled cancer for four years and expects another cancer-free declaration from doctors later this month.



PEC OPP Community Service Officer Anthony Mann took one cream pie in the face for the team.

PEC OPP Community Service Officer Anthony Mann took one cream pie in the face for the team.



Queen Elizabeth Public School students take the ice cream challenge.



Sarah Nye raised $550 to have her three-year-old pony tail cut off.

Sarah Reddick's Relay for Life team Sarah's Ninjas gave a lift to a favourite teacher, Greer Koutroulides

Sarah Reddick’s Relay for Life team Sarah’s Ninjas gave a lift to a favourite teacher, Greer Koutroulides

And they're off to their next stop on the 2015 Pedal for Hope Tour.

And they’re off to their next stop on the 2015 Pedal for Hope Tour.

The sun has been shining on the fourth annual Pedal for Hope cycling tour for childhood cancer as it rolls through Prince Edward County to share positive messages of hope, healing and healthy living in support of children and teenagers who battle cancer.

Over 10 days, 17 officers, with 10 support crew members, are biking to 30 schools throughout Prince Edward County, Belleville, Quinte West, Stirling, Marmora, Madoc, Tweed and Tyendinaga. They were in the County Wednesday to Friday this week.

The officers from Prince Edward OPP, Belleville Police, Hastings OPP and Quinte West OPP who participate in Pedal for Hope raise funds and awareness for childhood cancers. The local Canacer Society notes more than 20 children in the Quinte area are battling cancer.

High-energy assemblies are held that feature presentations to children, head shaves, ice cream eating contest, and educational messages about fighting cancer and living healthy lifestyles.

Over the past three years, Pedal for Hope has raised more than $232,000 for children, and their families, battling cancer.

In the weeks leading up to the tour, students at the schools visited raise money to present at the tour stops – all earmarked for childhood cancer research through the Canadian Cancer Society.

Money aside, the heart of the annual event is the children and teenagers who reside in the communities who have been diagnosed with cancer. During the tour, each officer is paired up with one or two of these ‘special friends’ and ride in that child’s honor.

Officer Kim Guthrie with Karen Reddick.

Officer Kim Guthrie with Sarah Reddick. – Greer Koutroulides photo

Prince Edward OPP officer Kim Guthrie will ride again this year in honour of the County’s Sarah Reddick who is graduating from PECI this year and has battled cancer for the past four years. She also rides in memory of her eight-year-old step-brother Eric, who died 37 years ago when cancer ended his young life.

Guthrie attended a fundraising barbecue at the school last Thursday.

Some local businesses have also stepped up support for the Pedal for Hope team. The 17 officers and 10 support crew will receive lunch at the newly renovated Tim Hortons restaurant courtesy of owner Paul Massey. Jamie Yeo, of the Picton Sobeys, is also providing the team with a lunch.

The event is designed to be a tremendous show of support for each of the children, teens and their families as they battle their illness. Those who are well enough are welcomed to pedal alongside the riders on the last day’s final leg of the tour.

All 17 team members and 10 support crew volunteers complete the two week journey on their own time. Many arrange to have their regular days off switched to coincide with tour dates, others take two weeks of holidays to support families in their communities.

A number of local, national and international businesses, industries and individuals who have stepped up to help offset the expensive cycling gear needed for the journey.
Primary sponsors include Reid’s Dairy, Bayview Auto, Halla Climate Control and Canadian Tire-Belleville.

The final wrap up event is set for Friday May 8 at the Belleville location of Canadian Tire starting at 4 p.m. The Pedal for Hope team, accompanied by the local children they are riding in support of, will cycle together along Bell Boulevard to Reid’s Dairy from Canadian Tire – and back again to enjoy a fundraising barbecue, live entertainment, and bouncy castles.

The public is invited to attend, buy a burger, climb a rock wall, high-five some local cops and meet some remarkable cancer survivors.

Pedal for Hope comes to the County Wednesday, April 29 visiting Massassauga Rednersville, Kente and CML Snider public schools; April 30 at Pinecrest, South Marysburgh public schools and St. Gregory’s Catholic School and May 1 to PECI where Queen Elizabeth School will join in the event.

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A look at some of the Pedal for Hope photos of visits this week:

Super fun bike races at Sophiasburgh school.

Super fun bike races at Sophiasburgh school.


Pedal of Hope video story under way at St. Gregory’s school.


Officers gobble down ice cream at CML Snider Public School in Wellington.

Athol South

Champion ice cream eaters at Athol South Marysburgh School


Group photo at Kente.


Head shaves galore at Kente Public School.

St. Gregory's Catholic School welcomes Pedal for Hope.

St. Gregory’s Catholic School welcomes Pedal for Hope.

 Starting things up at CML Snider in Wellington.

Starting things up at CML Snider in Wellington.

Pinecrest students cheer on contestants.

Pinecrest students cheer on contestants.

Pinecrest welcomes the Pedal for Hope team.

Pinecrest welcomes the Pedal for Hope team.

– More to come as Pedal for Hope visits PECI, Queen Elizabeth and Sophiasburgh schools on Friday. –



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