The $ and ¢ of drinking and driving
Administrator | Dec 29, 2010 | Comments 0
There was a visible increase of OPP officers this holiday season as they focused efforts to track down motorists who place everyone’s safety at risk by drinking and driving on Ontario roads and highways.
This year’s annual OPP Festive R.I.D.E. (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) campaign was in effect through to January 2, 2011. Across Ontario, OPP have checked more than 938,000 vehicles during the campaign with 256 people charged with drunk driving.
Operation Rednose Quinte volunteers made more than 1,400 trips to take home more than 2,800 people who called 962-4334 this season.
The $ and ¢ of it
Have you ever questioned the true value of a cab ride or a designated driver? Here’s an example of minimum costs to a first time convicted impaired driver:
Criminal Code Fine……………………$1000
Payable to the Government of Canada
Remedial Measures Program…..$578
Payable to Back on Track + GST
Licence Reinstatement Fee………$150
Payable to the Ministry of Finance + GST
Increase in Insurance Costs…….$15,000*
Payable to your insurance company in $5,000 increments each of the next 3 years
*minimum increase based on a perfect 6-star driving record
Ignition Interlock………………………$1,350
+installation. Pay to interlock provider
Court Costs……………………………..$2,000 – $10,000
Payable to your legal counsel
TOTAL………………………………………$20,078 – $28,078
Highway Traffic Act
* 1 year licence suspension*
* Remedial measures requirement
* 1 year ignition interlock condition upon reinstatement**
Criminal Code
* 1 year driving prohibition
* $1000 fine
Highway Traffic Act
* 3 year licence suspension*
* Remedial measures requirement
* 3 years ignition interlock condition upon reinstatement**
Criminal Code
* 2 year driving prohibition
* 30 day jail sentence
Highway Traffic Act
* Lifetime licence suspension*
* (Reducible to ten years if certain conditions are met)
* Ignition interlock condition for life if suspension reduced**
Criminal Code
* 3 year driving prohibition
* 120 day jail sentence
Fourth and subsequent
Highway Traffic Act
* Lifetime licence suspension *
Criminal Code
* Same as third offence
*Drivers who are caught driving while their licence is suspended for a Criminal Code conviction will have the vehicle they are driving impounded and face fines of $5,000 to $50,000.
**As of December 23, 2001 any driver who commits and is subsequently convicted of a drinking driving offence will, upon reinstatement, have a mandatory ignition interlock condition placed on his/her driver’s licence. This means that, after reinstatement, if the individual wishes to drive it must be in a vehicle that is equipped with an approved ignition interlock device.
Filed Under: Local News
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