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Osprey returns to home at Massassaga Point

An Osprey returning to its next at Massassaga Point in this photograph by Ken Roblin. For a close-up look at Osprey in action, visit the Bay of Quinte Remedial Action Plan Osprey Cam. Last year viewers watched the progress of three fledglings. The Name the Osprey fledgling contest is also running again. Last year’s winners were Ozzie, Ophelia and Oscar.

For all bird news, view the Quinte Area Bird Report by Terry Sprague – the place to be for birding news in Prince Edward County. You will find a summary of what birds to expect in the area each month, and under the Quinte Area Birding Report, what has occured in the past week. Learn about great places to find birds in the county. There is also a checklist of all birds that have been seen in Prince Edward County. Under Naturalization, you will find helpful hints each month on how to attract birds and other wildlife to your backyard, and similar hints under Birdfeeding.

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  1. The Bay of Quinte Remedial Action Plan is seeking volunteers to adopt one or more osprey nesting platforms/sites in the Quinte area (and there are a lot of them !), and monitor them through the nesting season next year. Usually checking them once a month would be great until the osprey migrate south. Our main goal is to figure out successful fledglings.

    More details can be obtained from Mary Gunning at:

  2. Myrna Wood says:

    I tried to see the cam unduccessfully. However, I found this piece of news on the website:
    “At Enbridge, we take our responsibility to the environment seriously, and recognize that the way we treat the planet is our natural legacy. Because of this, we invest in programs that promote environmental stewardship, conservation, habitat remediation, habitat protection and environmental education. Anne Anderson, Watershed Management Coordinator at Lower Trent Conservation accepts the $8,750.00 cheque from Ken Hall, Enbridge.”

    I hope Lower Trent Conservation has questioned Enbridge about it’s turbine projects that threaten ospreys and also about their plans for oil pipelines in this area.

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