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Trillium grants boost community programs


TRILLIUMtanyasmithOn behalf of Prince Edward-Hastings MPP Todd Smith, wife Tanya Smith congratulated three community groups on sharing $137,800 in grants from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF).  The not for profit organizations include Prince Edward Fitness & Aquatic Centre (PEFAC), Hospice Prince Edward, and the Prince Edward Yacht Club’s youth sail training program.

The event was hosted by PEFAC where the recently refurbished indoor swimming pool was showcased. Joining Smith to offer congratulations was Deanna Dulmage from OTF.

TRILLIUMpefacThe Prince Edward and Aquatic Centre

The Prince Edward and Aquatic Centre received a one-year, $28,700 grant toward the $50,000 renovation of the pool. The County of Prince Edward also contributed $20,000 for capital projects.  Upon completion, the facility will have new pool floors with flip turn lane markings, new lighting, new paint and new ceilings around the change room and classroom areas. Representing PEFAC are Bill Halman, president and Meloni Crandall, general manager.

TRILLIUMhospiceHospice Prince Edward (HPE)

Recently, (HPE) opened a three bed residential hospice home at 40 Downes Ave. in Picton. Hospice Prince Edward (HPE) will expand its services with an $84,100 grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF). The two-year grant is to help build on its ability to make a positive difference in the way end-of life-care is delivered in the community. The grant will also improve the physical accessibility of the building with the installation of a chair lift.

“Hospice Prince Edward is thrilled to be a recipient of this grant,” said Nancy Parks Executive Director. “This funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation is important to help us assist and to offer the best end-of-life care to hospice residents and their families”.

Nancy Parks, executive director, and Birgit Langwisch, president, represented Hospice.

TRILLIUMpeycPrince Edward Yacht Club

Prince Edward Yacht Club, on behalf of its youth sailing camp, received a one-year, $25,000 grant toward the $32,815 purchase of five new sailing boats and one outboard motor for the instructors’ safety boat. The purchase will ensure children who attend the sailing camp will continue to have quality equipment available.

The sailing camp is open to young people interested in learning boating and sailing skills in a safe, recreational atmosphere.  The sailing camp has a growing participation, and more than 60 per cent of its participants are from beyond the yacht club membership families.

Representing the yacht club and the youth sailing camp were Dave Dodd, commodore, Brian Skuffham, treasurer, Dave Carter, sailing camp director and Bev Gorsline, manager.

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Jim McMillan says:

    Thanks Trillium for your substantial help with 3 worthwhile County projects.

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