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Parents to be given 72 hours notice of elementary school strikes

The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) will give parents 72 hours notice of strikes planned for December at every school board across Ontario.

“It is unfortunate that we have been placed in the position of having to strike by Education Minister Laurel Broten, but we will provide parents with ample notice to ensure the safety of students,” said ETFO President Sam Hammond in a statement. “By her actions, the minister has let everyone down by stripping teachers and education professionals of their democratic rights, and shutting down recent talks at the provincial level.”

While elementary teachers and education professionals in four school boards are already proceeding with work-to-rule strike action, teachers in all other boards will also be in a strike position during December. The strikes by ETFO locals will affect operations in each public elementary school throughout the province.

The ETFO says Bill 115 strips teachers of their fundamental right to negotiate, and gives the minister unprecedented power to impose an agreement if locals and their boards don’t reach a collective agreement by December 31st. T

“The bill puts the government beyond the reach of the Ontario Human Rights Code, Ontario Labour Relations Act, and the courts,” Hammond said. “On November 11th, the government invited ETFO to discussions with Ministry officials and a third party facilitator. ETFO and government representatives were engaged in productive talks when the Minister abruptly shut the session down.

“We continue to be ready to resume discussions in an attempt to reach an agreement that meets the needs of all parties”, added Hammond. “It’s time the minister got serious about reaching deals that respect the rights of our members.”

The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario represents 76,000 elementary public school teachers and education professionals across the province and is the largest teacher federation in Canada.

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. SAB says:

    I agree with you that there have been bad decisions made by the government with the public’s money…..that being said I don’t believe it was done intentionally….cuts in salaries and benefits for teachers and public-sector workers must be done because of the state of our economy…Private business have had to do this long before now or they would be bankrupt. The public cannot afford higher taxes to pay these salaries and benefits that very few people enjoy.

  2. Ianthe says:

    The McGuinty government signalled it’s intent to eliminate the deficit by reigning in salaries and benefits for teachers and other public-sector workers. What about public money lost through E-Health and ORNGE? Perhaps they could have put that money towards the deficit?

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