Parks appointed to provincial rural hospice working group
Administrator | Nov 18, 2011 | Comments 0
Hospice Prince Edward Executive Director Nancy Parks has been appointed to the newly created Rural Residential Hospice Working Group created by the Hospice Palliative Care Ontario Association to guide development of rural residential hospice models for rural communities.
“I am delighted to have been invited to participate in this working group,” says Parks. “Hospice Prince Edward will be part of this ground-breaking process to establish standards to aid policy development for rural residential hospice models.” Recommendations from the working group will first go to the HPCO standards council, and will ultimately guide the Ministry of Health in the creation of new policy for rural residential hospice funding.
The six to eight member working group, plus HPCO representatives, will consider staffing models, locations, and financial resource requirements to support the operation of two to six bed residential hospice models.
“Hospice Palliative Care Ontario’s vision is that every person and family in the province of Ontario can quickly and easily access the finest standard of hospice palliative care when required,” Parks said.
Hospice Prince Edward’s mandate is to provide palliative and bereavement support to families and individuals of all ages in Prince Edward County. Thanks to funding from the SELHIN, Trillium grants, a variety of fundraising activities and the generosity of concerned citizens, Hospice offers services free of charge.
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