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Work of Picatso on silent auction at Loyalist Humane

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A Sheltered Life – stories as told to Maggie Haylock-Capon, by Liza, resident greeter at the Loyalist Humane Society. (Photographs by Alan R. Capon)

(If you are unable to adopt a cat or kitten, there are many other important ways to help the LHS. Donations of Javex and other household cleaning products, garbage bags, grocery bags, litter, cat food and kitten food are welcome. The Loyalist Humane Society is located on County Road 4, (Talbot Street), near the intersection of Tripp Road.)

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Hi, Everyone,

Liza doing the laundry

It’s Liza, resident spokescat for the Loyalist Humane Society. Welcome to The Laundry Room, where all of us have our assigned chores. I am in charge of the laundry and Cheddar, also known as The Big Cheese, does the dishes. Doren is chief of security and patrols the kitchen to ensure that order is maintained. He puts the bite on any slackers.

It has been difficult to focus on our chores this week, for something very exciting has happened. Our roving reporter, Franco, says we could become an artists’ colony.

Our own Mrs. Moffatt’s sister kindly obtained a striking framed print which she donated to the shelter for silent auction. Can you believe that it was actually painted by a cat named Napster who lives in Bobcaygeon? Apparently, there are three art galleries in Los Angeles that carry the work of feline artists. Franco said he sees no reason why we can’t become artistes, too.

Dolphins chasing the moon by Napster

Apparently, Napster’s owners dip his tail in paint, then hold him near a canvas. He switches his tail and, voila, a painting. Early in his career, they tried dipping his paws in the paint but he resisted, preferring to paint with his tail. If only we had some paints, brushes, easels, and canvases we, too, could produce exciting works of art. We could have our own gallery and art fanciers would come from miles around to buy our masterpieces. Franco even thought of a name for our gallery – Picatso’s.

Doren, our cub reporter, has just told me that, to date, 140 kittens have come into care at our shelter this year. Last year, we cared for 180 little rug rats. All kittens are special but there is one at the LHS this summer who deserves a very special home. Her name is Leftovers McRemnants.

Cheddar doing the dishes

Leftovers was born with a deformed forepaw, a crooked tail, eyes of two different colours, and a fur coat with several gray patches that clearly belong to another cat. Manufactured from scraps and spare parts, she is a unique kitten with a sweet disposition who desperately wants to find her forever home. If you have room in your heart for this special black and white kitten she would love to meet you.

In addition to Leftovers we have many beautiful cats seeking their forever homes. Follow me and I’ll make the introductions.

The Duke of York
This handsome Siamese cross was found wandering on York Street in Picton, hence his name. However, he seems to think that he is of Royal blood and is not above putting on airs. The Duke is about five years of age (in his prime, he calls it) and would be the ideal pet for a senior citizen. With his striking good looks he wouldb the perfect accent for any sofa.

Emmy Lou
The eyes have it! Emmy Lou’s beautiful peepers will steal your heart. This young miss is very affectionate and enjoys snuggling on available laps. One of the prettiest cats in our shelter she is eagerly awaiting her forever home.

As you can see from his photograph it has been a rocky road, indeed. for Rocky. A gentle cat with a sweet disposition he was a frequent victim of bullying, before coming to the LHS. Obviously, he could not handle himself in a fight and always came out the loser. He is now healing nicely and looks forward to a long and happy life in a new home.

Lily Belle
A beautiful, declawed cat who is six years of age, Lily Belle would be purrfect for a senior citizen or retired couple. She is buff and white with blue eyes and is part Siamese. If you are seeking a cat of distinction, look no further.

Giant Tiger
This tortoiseshell cat was found in the parking lot of – wait for it – Giant Tiger. It is believed that she was once someone’s pet, for she has been declawed. Notices were put up in Picton, after she was rescued, but no one has claimed her. She is now hoping for a new home and shyly confesses that she is a shopaholic who can never resist the sales at her local GT.

Eat your heart out Frank Sinatra. Boultbee has beautiful blue eyes and oozes charm. This pure white male cat is approximately two years old and would be the purrfect family cat. He would do equally well as the new best friend of a senior citizen or retired couple. Destined to be a star, Boultbee says his agent, Mrs.Moffatt is currently taking his calls.

Fluffy and flirtatious, Daisy came to us when her owner passed away. This lovely orange and white cat is hoping for a new home in a quiet household. She emphasizes that she possesses interior decorating skills and would be the perfect accent for your sofa or wing chair.

Cats in Baskets
Orange Julius and his friend, Jellico, enjoy long afternoon naps in their baskets. If you have a sunny windowsill they would be interested in making your acquaintance.

Moisha was brought to our shelter when his owner moved away. He is a handsome orange and white cat who enjoys perching in high places. A fine conversationalist, he is seeking employment in a quiet household where he will receive lots of one-on-one time with his new owner(s).

While Oogie (short for Old Orange Guy) is probably too old and set in his ways to be adopted, he insisted on having his picture taken. One of the deans of our shelter, he is a refined old gentleman who has been with us for many years. He is dearly loved and seems to have found his forever home with us. Be sure to stop and say hello to him, if you happen to be visiting the LHS. Like many older people, he sometimes feels overlooked.

Bite Me’s Brother
This handsome fellow was caught napping. A young cat, who may be a little idle, he would very much like a forever home with a comfy bed.

This week, we have a letter to advice columnist Dr. Stella Wigglebum for Leftovers McRemnants, the kitten mentioned earlier.


Leftovers McRemnants

Dear Dr. Wigglebum,
I is little and does not spell too good, so please xcuse my misstakes. I was borned with a crooked front paw, a crooked tail, and one blue eye and one green eye. To make it wurse, my furr is two diffrent colours. Who will love me?

Yours truly,
Leftovers McRemnants

Dear Leftovers,

I was born with an over-bite, a stubby tail, and a rather broad bottom, but I have not let it stop me. My owner, Amber, fell in love with me because of my looks and we are now BFFs. It takes a very special person to look beyond crooked paws, mismatched eyes, and over-bites. When you find this special someone, they will look into your heart and see all the love that you have to give. They won’t even notice your paw or your tail, for they will be looking at YOU. You are a wonderful little kitten and you’ve shown the courage to survive. One day, a special someone will find you and take you home with them. When that happens, you will know, as I do, that love sees the beauty that’s inside. However, if I were you, I would seriously consider learning how to use spell check.
Yours truly,
Dr. Stella Wigglebum

From the desk of Liza:
Do you know this cat? (Sorry, no photo available)
Wheeler Dealer is an elderly tortoiseshell cat who was found at a yard sale. It is believed that she may have wandered off from her home and was too confused to make her way back. She would very much like to be reunited with her family. In the meantime, she is being cared for at our shelter. She is residing in The Laundry Room and repeatedly asks, “What is my name and where do I live? Is this a hotel?” Please help us to send Wheeler Dealer safely back to her home and family.

Our annual LHS yard sale will be held in mid-August, so please be sure to attend, The date will be announced soon. There are bargains galore at these sales and, who knows, you may even leave with a new best friend.

The recent Country Music Show presented by Lorain Sine and friends raised $1500. for the LHS. What a wonderful gift! Lorain and her sisters are staunch supporters of our shelter and, in the past three years, have raised more than $10,000 for donation to us.

Doren just hit (excuse me, bit) Number 15. The resident nipster bit his 15th victim last week. Our cub reporter is an embarrassment at times.

On a sad note, our friend Cheetah, the beloved, long-time companion of Pumpkin, has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He will be greatly missed.

Good news for Buddy Boots. He was adopted! A lovable cat with a cauliflower ear, he has found his forever home.

Thanks to the Picton Farm Supply for its generous donation of a $100 gift coupon to our shelter. For a period of time, two dollars of every Purina purchase was set aside for donation to the LHS. We are very grateful for this contribution.

-Until next week,

* * *

Parmesan and Cheddar new strays on the block

Hello, Everyone,

Liza, sleeping on the job.

It’s Liza reporting from the Laundry Room, the happening spot at the Loyalist Humane Society. There is definitely something cheesy about it these days, with the arrival of two strays from Black River named Parmesan and Cheddar. Word has it that they are the offspring of a cat named Monterey Jack.

Cheddar reminds me a little of Girlfriend, our beloved senior correspondent who crossed the Rainbow Bridge last month. Like her, he is an older cat with a very sweet nature. It’s less lonely in The Laundry Room, since he arrived.

Other recent arrivals at our shelter include Moisha, Chico, and Chiquita, three of the luckiest cats alive. Our own Mrs. Moffatt happened to be at the animal hospital when their owner brought them in to be put to sleep. He was moving and felt that the cats would not easily adjust to their new home. Euthanasia seemed the kindest thing. Just as he was preparing to sign an authorization form, the receptionist suggested he might like to talk to Mrs. M. first. He spoke with her, then came to see our shelter. After visiting us he decided not to have his cats put to sleep. Instead, he brought them here where they will be safe and happy, until they find new homes. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they could be adopted together?

Four more members of the Icky family also joined us last month – Cricket, Ichabod, Flicka, and Victor. The Ickys have cousins by the dozens it seems.

Pet Valu is having a fundraising barbecue for the LHS this Saturday. Cats and kittens available for adoption from the LHS will be at the store. Be sure to mark it on your calendar.

With so many new arrivals, a growing number of our residents are earnestly seeking forever homes. Our shelter is bursting at the seams with beautiful cats and kittens hoping to find families of their own. Come with me and meet some of them.

Parmesan – A red and white stray found near Black River, Parmesan is a male cat three to four years of age. Mrs. M. says he is very loving and would be the perfect pet for a family or a senior citizen. If you are seeking a new best friend don’t overlook him.

Cheddar – A mature cat, Cheddar was found near Black River, hence his name. Mrs. M. says he has a very sweet nature and would be the perfect companion for a senior citizen. If you would like a loyal companion who enjoys the occasion bag of cheese twists. Cheddar is for you.

Emmy Lou – Good things come in small packages. Emmy Lou is a beautiful little lady who is one to two years of age. She hates other cats and would not do well in a multi-cat household. However, she is affectionate with humans and would love to have a family of her own.

Jethro – Jethro is a plucky little tiger kitten who hits the bottle. His mother, Ella, seems totally perplexed by motherhood. Although she is happy enough to have the company of her kittens in a pet crate, she refuses to feed them. Mrs. M. bottle feeds Jethro and his siblings. Soon, Jethro will be old enough for a home of his own. Keep him in mind, if you have been thinking of adopting a kitten.

Fluffy – A beautiful orange kitten, Fluffy was rescued with his siblings by a caring woman who fostered this little family for two months. She says he loves to play with toys and likes to cuddle after his nap. He is litter trained and always supervises the cleaning of his litter box.

Tigger – Fluffy’s brother, Tigger, loves to run and play. When he gets sleepy, he likes to cuddle. His foster mom says there are not enough toys in the world for this energetic little boy.

Patch – Patch is a charming little tortoiseshell kitten who can run like the wind and has no trouble in keeping up with her brothers, Fluffy and Tigger. Her foster mom says she has a unique cry, which sounds nothing like a meow. She is an expert at figuring out how to get items that are out of reach.

Cain – Cain is a seven-year-old neutered male cat who has been declawed. This handsome red and white lad is described by Mrs.M. as “very lovely”. He is also a whopper, weighing in at approximately 20 pounds. He would be ideal for someone seeking a quiet cat who would never climb the drapes or claw furniture. Don’t let his age deter you. Often, cats live well into their teens, so Cain should have many good years ahead of him.

Tannie – A striking tiger cat who loves to lounge on the patio, Tannie would very much like a home of his own. He is an expert in relaxation techniques and never stresses over life’s everyday problems. If you would enjoy a laid back friend who knows how to enjoy life, Tannie is your man.

Autumn – Autumn is a long-time resident of our shelter. Despite his good looks and sweet disposition he has been overlooked many times. An older cat who would be the ideal companion or a senior citizen he has much to offer.

Pubster – A handsome grey and white cat, Pubster is eagerly waiting for his forever home. He would be a good fit in any household.

Bun Bun – A clever cat, Bun Bun arrived at our shelter all by himself. Down on his luck, he decided to turn to us for help. He strolled in one day, found a comfy couch and has been here ever since. If you are seeking a resourceful cat who thinks for himself, do not overlook Bun Bun.

Buddy and friends enjoying the patio.

PawNotes from the Desk of Liza:
Our penny drive is going well. If you have some spare pennies, please consider donating them to our shelter. Our volunteers will be happy to roll them and exchange them for bills. We greatly appreciate the support we have received to date with our penny drive.

Now, our roving reporter Franco has some news to report. Over to you, senior correspondent.

Thanks, Liza. While sauntering around the grounds of the LHS last week, I noticed how much our senior residents are enjoying their new gazebo. This beautiful outdoor enclosure enables them to enjoy some fresh air. A second gazebo was recently completed and also is being utilized by many of our residents.

Also, while walking my beat, I also noticed that some of our crushed cans had disappeared. Word has it that they were recycled for $690. This money will be put to good use in funding our shelter.

As you are all aware, I was once the mayor of Prince Edward Heights. My relocation to the LHS seemed like a bit of a come-down at first, but while strolling its grounds the other day, I realized that I am a very lucky cat. This is a happening place. There are many new beginnings here. Sometimes, cats like Bun Bun come to us all on their own. I wonder if he read about us on County Live?

Word has it that one of our favourite volunteers, Lorain Sine, is giving another concert for us on July 23rd. She and her sisters and their many talented friends have raised hundreds of dollars for the LHS. More details about the upcoming concert will be available soon.

That’s all for this week. Back to you, Liza.

Thanks, Franco. In closing I should mention that cub reporter Doren is in sick bay with a nasty summer cold. Between sneezes, he did manage to tell me that shelter supporters Dorothy and George Bongard held a yard sale, recently, and donated all the proceeds (more than $600.) to the LHS.
We are blessed in having so many good friends.

-Until next week,

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Click here for more Loyalist Humane Society blogs and other Margaret Haylock Capon features

Filed Under: Margaret Haylock-CaponNews from Everywhere Else

About the Author: Maggie Haylock is a freelance writer and former newspaper reporter who has co-authored several books with her husband, Alan Capon.

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  1. Joanne and Martin Fralick says:

    Our wedding on Saturday was wonderful and we raised $1500 in cash and product for the LHS. we would like to present it to Liza, Franco and crew tomorrow. How about a photo op?

    Joanne and Martin Fralick (Morrin’s parents)

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