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Pay-as-you-go gated parking new at BGH, TMH

In response to feedback from patients and visitors, Quinte Health Care is implementing pay-as-you-go gated parking at Belleville General Hospital on Sept. 12 and at Trenton Memorial Sept. 19.

Visitors will take a ticket when they drive into the parking lot, take the ticket with them into the hospital and pay at a machine in the lobby before returning to their vehicle. A paid ticket will be required to exit the parking lot.

“The new parking system will provide numerous benefits to our patients and visitors such as the option to pay by cash or credit card; not needing to carry exact change; the ability to pay inside when the weather is inclement outside; only paying for the amount of time they need and not having to return to their vehicle and purchase more parking if they are at the hospital longer than expected,” said president and CEO Mary Clare Egberts.

The parking rates at BGH and TMH are:
* 15 minutes or less is free
* Hourly rate of $4 (unchanged)
* Daily rate of $14 at BGH and $11 at TMH. The daily rates includes in-and-out privileges (visitors can come and go as needed throughout the day)
* Ten visit passes for $35 (allows 10 exits from the parking lot)
* 30-day, unlimited use pass for $70

“Parking provides a very important source of revenue, which is why the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care expects hospitals to charge for parking in order to offset the high cost of delivering health care services,” said Egberts. “Last year, for example, QHC collected $1.2 million in parking fees, which is significant in terms of the number of front-line health care positions that revenue can fund.”
Once the parking system is in place, everyone using a QHC parking lot will be expected to pay for parking, with the exception of volunteers.

Filed Under: Local News

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