PCs call on McGuinty to ‘stop thumbing his nose at Ontario families’
Administrator | Aug 09, 2011 | Comments 6
Ontario PC MPP John Yakabuski and Todd Smith, Ontario PC candidate for Prince Edward-Hastings, made a stop in Picton Monday afternoon to call on Dalton McGuinty to “stop thumbing his nose at Ontario families and instead give them the choice they deserve between his expensive energy experiments and sweetheart Samsung deal or relief for families with Tim Hudak and the Ontario PC Party.”
“Earlier this year Brad Duguid misled voters and said it would cost too much to get out of Dalton’s sweetheart Samsung deal, but when the Liberals finally released the deal this week we learned we could have got out of the deal for nothing,” the two stated in a join press release. “However, last week Dalton McGuinty thumbed his nose at Ontario families and changed all that when he secretly changed the contracts to make it more expensive for families to cancel the Samsung deal and secretly pushed through 1,800 other projects. Dalton McGuinty is trying to cement his legacy: making life unaffordable for Ontario families.
“This latest move is an insult to Ontario families who are already paying skyrocketing hydro bills. Under Dalton McGuinty hydro rates have skyrocketed by 84 per cent – a whopping 150 per cent if you have one of Dalton McGuinty’s mandatory smart meter tax machines.”
“It is outrageous that Dalton McGuinty is thumbing his nose at Ontario families who already cannot afford his expensive energy experiments,” said Yakabuski, MPP Renfrew Nipissing-Pembroke. “Ontario families cannot afford Dalton McGuinty’s Samsung deal and FIT contracts.”
“On October 6th Ontario families have a chance to thumb their nose at Dalton McGuinty when they face a clear choice between Dalton McGuinty’s endless hydro hikes, or Tim Hudak and the Ontario PC Party who will give families relief,” said Smith.
QUICK FACTS from the Ontario PC Party:
Sections 14.2 (c) and 14.3 (c) of the original Samsung deal says that Ontario can terminate the agreement without penalty if the foreign multinational conglomerate is unable to fulfill its contractual obligations by January 20, 2011 – three months after the next provincial election.
Section 18 of the amended Samsung deal gives the foreign multinational conglomerate an extra year to fulfill its contractual obligations.
Annual electricity bills are expected to increase by $732 over the next four years as a result of Dalton McGuinty’s HST, smart meter tax machine implementation, and other rate increases. (Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters)
Tim Hudak and the Ontario PC Party will give families $275 in immediate relief on their hydro bills by:
Removing the provincial portion of the HST from residential hydro bills.
Removing the provincial portion of the HST from every home heating bill, including natural gas, home heating oil and propane
Removing the so-called “Debt Retirement Charge” from residential hydro bills
Filed Under: Local News
About the Author:
As the Green Party’s candidate in the upcoming election, I would like to take you up on your challenge, Paul. I am campaigning on the following stand:
1. No more industrial wind development until zoning for energy projects is returned to local municipalities.
2. Conservation should be the top investment priority at 2-3 cents a kilowatt hour.
3. To the extent new generation is needed, we should favour renewables, but starting with the lowest cost renewables. In particular, we should develop/purchase hydro (water powered) generation at 7 cents a kilowatt hour.
4. It is not fiscally responsible to make industrial-scale investment in intermittent renewables (wind, solar) until we have exhausted cheaper renewables and until we have mass storage and a smartgrid in place to support them.
5. Nuclear poses huge financial (as well as environmental) risks and should be our last resort, not the top investment.
I hope that this represents a “non partisan approach to our energy and environment”, but I leave that to you to judge.
If you are interested, there is more information on my position on energy on the campaign web site at http://www.give-em-hull.ca
“A comment from a person working on a solar development in Peterborough,
McGuinty’s claim of bringing good green jobs here is a joke.
The screws that supported the panels were brought in from Germany,the panels came from China and the Steel to put them together came from Mexico.
Not many good Canadian jobs there
They were assembled in Peterborough by labour ready workers making minimun wage.
Even the truck drivers who brought them to the site made only 12 $ an hour.
The only ones that made good money were the construction workers on site.
After construction it will only have one or two people on site.
So the math is 50 million $ for a 300 acre site producing 10 M W [ daytime only] to employ possibly 2 people fulltime, at a cost of 44 cents a kw. hour for 20 years.
Sounds like a great deal.”
Start researching people..don’t take my word for it or anyone else’s..learn both sides..and meet somewhere in the middle.
We are being media spun in the wrong direction.
WHY is this money not being used for our benefit??????
Hudak is NOT trying to cripple anyone’s Environmental Policy.
He wants to put back planning to communities.
Paul I will take your challenge up , throw you reasons up here , on why you think Canada is destroying the globe environmentally at 2% of the globes GHG emissions.
And I will show you a combined media spin directled by groups that stand to gain enormously..Carbon pricing is already a 3 Trillion dollar market….and is nothing more than corporate welfare..and I think we have had with that.
Todd certainly isn’t saying a lot and always standing beside some guy from Pembroke. The Pc’s are going around the province and grabbing media personalities at whim to carry their banner. Choices are poor this go round with Dalton selling the stupid green energy for big dollars and the daunting image of Hudak cutting every service we enjoy. Hudak cannot keep his promises to date without huge cuts to public services especially health care. Hold your nose and vote as there is no clear reasonable choice.
Is Todd ever allowed to speak?
Typical PC tactics. Say you will reduce hydro bills so we can feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Whats not being conidered or even talked about is the cost of maintaining the lines. Especially with some of the extreme weather we have been having. And for the PCs to bring up how we’re wasting money trying to be on top of innovations for solar and wind projects?
Do you want to see that technology better and cheaper? Are you an optimist? Me too, thats why we have to invest in it!
Although i’m not the biggest fan of Dalton, I refuse to let the PCs cripple our environmental policy and sell off public assets for a short term pay off. Read between the lines. I challange anyone out there to take a non partisan approach to our energy and environment.