PEC council cost $357,401 for 2013
Administrator | Mar 30, 2014 | Comments 6
Council, at its Committee of the Whole meeting Thursday, received the statement of remuneration and expenses of members of council and appointees to local boards for the year 2013.
The numbers:
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Cut the size of Council, which citizens have been asking for, by 5 members and you save $91,000. Simple math! 🙂
With how long it takes counsel to make a decision, I would not want anyone on counsel in Ms Egbert postion
chump-change compared to our police services bill…
Mary Clare Egbert of QHC is paid $325,000. That is greater is greater than the $309,637 paid to all 16 members of Council.
Jamie Forrester has not claimed mileage, travel and other expenses, etc. Unusual to see this . . .
That’s $14.15 from every man, woman and child in the County (based on pop of 25,560 from 2012) Do you think we got our money’ s worth? I would like to know how that compares to our neighbours Quinte West, and Greater Napanee?