PEC Relay for Life goal set at $200,000
Administrator | Feb 01, 2012 | Comments 1
Team captains, survivors, caregivers and sponsors kicked off Prince Edward County’s third annual Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life event and set a fundraising goal of $200,000 for the June 8-9 event at the Picton fairgrounds.
Event co-chairmen Jim Vince and Sterling Johnson reviewed the highlights of the 2011 event which raised $204,589.
“This is simply an outstanding achievement considering our goal was $190,000,” said Vince. “Last year we had 69 teams, 700 participants and 135 survivors. This year we hope to have 75 teams, 750 participants and 150 survivors.”
Barb Guernsey, co-chairman with Wendy Culmer for the teams, thanked the team captains for coming to the kick-off breakfast.
“The team captains are the ones who gather their friends, family and co-workers to create the teams, gather the kits and do the paperwork. We thank you.” Teams may email or call 613-962-0686 if they need any further information.
Johnson thanked the many sponsors who have already come on board – including Scotiabank Picton and McDougall Stanton Insurance as event sponsors; Home Hardware as the Survivors Sponsor; Curves for Women as the Luminary Sponsor; Black River Tree Service, The Co-Operators, Sobeys, the County of Prince Edward and media sponsors, The Picton Gazette and and many community sponsors (full list to come).
“It is only this community’s third year for Relay for Life and it’s very heartwarming to see how the community really comes together,” said Karen White, volunteer president of the local Cancer Society Unit. White explained how the funds raised are spent and noted Relay for Life accounts for 46 per cent of the money received by the society.
The Hastings Prince Edward unit offers support, transportation and information services to residents of Prince Edward County, Belleville, Quinte West, Brighton, Deseronto, Tweed, Madoc, Marmora and Bancroft and surrounding areas in Centre and North Hastings.
For more, click here to visit the Hastings Prince Edward Unit.
Relay for Life 2011
Filed Under: Local News • RELAY FOR LIFE
About the Author:
Thank you so much for this excellent report on the PEC Relay For Life event. It was great meeting both of you and your mom and dad at the breakfast.
I am soooooo impressed with
What an amazing publication.
I will be sure to check it out regularly.