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PECI honours 141 graduates’ achievements

PECI-grad-Jennifer-Cobb-photoProud parents, guardians, family members and friends applauded the achievements and successes of 140 PECI students who received secondary school graduation diplomas Thursday night during graduation ceremonies held at the Prince Edward Community Centre.

Kurtis-BrewsterValedictorian Kurtis Brewster told graduates “Tonight is about tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that. I am going to leave the end of this speech as a “To Be Continued” saga. You can all make up your own ending,” he said. “Any ending you come up with works great, because from this night forward. we will each write our own life story. Some will be funny, exciting, challenging and unfortunately, sad at times too. But, we share in common the fact that we entered as complete strangers and are leaving as a whole, we are leaving together.”

Brewster addressed the evening’s “one big family”  whose student members, four years ago, walked into high school as strangers – the athletes, the musicians, the comedians, the computer geeks and the scholars.

“Tonight is also about those quiet kids who don’t really say much until you break them out of their shell and they turn out to be your best friends; and anyone who felt at some point in high school that they didn’t fit in. Guess what folks, look around. You are in a room filled with hundreds of people and tonight is all about you.”

He shared humorous reflections about staff members and students in the school, family, friends and community outside of the school.

“I speak on behalf of every person who works, or attends at PECI when I say thank you to all of the community. It’s the community in and around PECI that makes our school so great.”

This year’s top academic student, Heather Beach, received the Governor General’s Academic Medal.

There were 29 students honoured as Ontario Scholars, having achieved a graduating average of 80 per cent or higher in six Grade 12 courses.  They include: Jenny Faye Andrews, Heather Michelle Beach, Brooke Danielle Lisa Bruce, Melissa May Mary Corbin, Sinclair Diego Alonzo Dacombe, Adriel Esteban Davila, Chloe Georgina Dick, Matthew Aaron Gallo (2013 grad); Kyle Lorne Gould, Lindsey Brianna Hegadorn, Kimberly Elizabeth Ann Kennedy, Alex Rae Larkin, Cynara Adrianna Lewis, Nicholas Glen Lindsay, Montana June Elizabeth MacFarlane, Patrick Russell Macpherson, Grace Elisabeth Kiss McKinney, Amanda Melissa Ostrander, Melissa Jean Paradis, Kevin James Rallison, Hannah Margaret Sarley, Wesley Ronald Stakes, Bronwyn Taylor, Olivia Anne Timm, Bradley thomas Wells, Mackenzie Ann Wilkinson, Madison Nicole Williams, Brayden Timothy York and Kendyl Mary Madison Young.

Student Council Awards
Melissa Paradis was honoured with The George Elson Memorial Award for best all-round student at PECI.
Students’ Council Special Recognition awards for outstanding contribution to the life of the school were awarded to: Brett Abram (undergrad); Chloe Dick, Lindsey Hegadorn and Justine MacDonald.
The Achievement Awards – for students who combine excellence and outstanding achievement in studies with outstanding achievement in sports, or contribution to the life of the school – (Grades 9-12) are: Lynsey Corbin, Megan Foster, Alexander Tucker and Wesley Stakes.
The Salt of the Earth Award for students who have undertaken major responsibilities in extracurricular activities and who have carried them out with exceptional devotion to duty and enterprise was presented to Heather Beach, Hannah Sarley and Bronwyn Taylor.
The Citizenship Award, for a student who donates his or her time to the school and the community on a volunteer basis went to Grace McKinney.

* Indicates an award that will be presented at PECI’s Undergraduate Awards Ceremony in the fall ** 2013 graduates

Lieutenant Governor’s Community Volunteer Award for Students
(for exemplary volunteer involvement within the community)
Hannah Sarley

The Daryl Kramp Citizenship Award
(for exemplary service to school and community)
Hannah Sarley

Aramark Canada Awards
(for deserving graduates)
Jessica Foster
Holly Hunter
Brittany Snider

Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board Awards
(for deserving students proceeding to post-secondary education)
Hannah Forsyth
Logan Haskin
Gianna MacDonald
Patrick Macpherson
Kevin Rallison

Kinsmen Club of Picton Scholarship
(for deserving students proceeding to university or college)
Bryce Timm
Olivia Timm

Persistent Panther Award
(for students who embody the characteristics that best represent
Prince Edward Collegiate Institute and our community)
Tucker Benjamin
Kendyl Young

Prince Edward Collegiate Institute Spirit Award
(for students who exemplify the spirit of Prince Edward Collegiate Institute)
Matthew Gallo**
Brooke Morrow

Prince Edward County Construction Association Award
(for deserving graduates pursuing post-secondary studies and/or
a career in the construction industry)
Weston Ferguson
Taylor York

Prince Edward Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Award
(for graduating students proceeding to post-secondary studies in health sciences)
Lindsey Hegadorn
Alex Larkin

The Robert Argue Environmental Scholarship
~ Presented by Quinte Waste Solutions~
(for students who have demonstrated a high level of interest in, and a commitment to, the environment, as well as a history of active involvement)
Holly Aman
Jenny Andrews

The Rotary Club Citizenship Awards
(for graduating students who exemplify good citizenship)
Ryan Kerr
Wesley Stakes
Robert Stapley

The Rotary Club Loyalist College Bursary
(for deserving graduates proceeding to Loyalist College)
Logan Haskin
Sarah Wanamaker

The Rotary/Stark Foundation Awards
(for deserving graduates, active in both the school and the community, proceeding to post-secondary studies)
Holly Aman
Cynara Lewis
Wesley Stakes
Amanda Whalen
Emma Woodward

Collision Prevention Driving School Award
(for a deserving graduate with distinguished achievement in the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program)
Ryan Algar

Rico-Green Trust
(for a student from Prince Edward County who is pursuing post-secondary education in horticulture or related areas of study)
Holly Aman

County Sustainability Group Award
(for a deserving graduate proceeding to post-secondary studies in sustainable development and environmental programs)
Jenny Andrews

Prince Edward Horticultural Society Award
(for a graduating student pursuing post-secondary studies in horticulture or a related field)
Jenny Andrews

Highline Produce Limited Award
(for a student with the highest average in six grade 12 university entrance level courses)
Heather Beach

The J. J. Biedermann Memorial Scholarship
(for a graduating student studying French at university)
Heather Beach

Margaret T. Halkett Award
(for a student with the highest average in six grade 12 university entrance level courses)
Heather Beach

OSSTF Student Recognition Award
(for a graduating student who excels in citizenship, academics,  and extra-curricular activities)
Heather Beach

The Y. H. Wong Memorial Award
(for a graduating student who has achieved one of the top academic averages pursuing studies in the humanities)
Heather Beach

Padre Stan Whitehouse Award
~ Presented by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 78~
(for a student demonstrating marked scholarship)
Kurtis Brewster

Chris Lockyer Memorial Award
~Donated by the Kiwanis Club~
(for a graduating student who has made a significant contribution to the music program at P.E.C.I.)
Brooke Bruce

Helen M. Hubbs M.A. Memorial Award
(for a deserving student proceeding to post-secondary studies)
Brooke Bruce

The Mary Phoenix Achievement Award
(for a graduating student who has diligently persevered in his/her efforts to graduate from high school)
Brittany Bush

Cecil Morley Kerr Memorial Award
(for a deserving graduate proceeding to post-secondary studies in agriculture)
Alyssa Carter

Picton Clinic Pharmacy Award
(for a deserving student who has demonstrated a solid work ethic and a desire to be successful)
Melissa Corbin

Sir Mackenzie Bowell Education Award
(for a deserving graduate who is pursuing a career in the field of education)
Caitlyn Crandell

Ed Horton Scholarship
~ Presented by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 78~
(for a student demonstrating marked scholarship pursuing a career in the helping professions)
Sinclair Dacombe

The Prince Edward County Community Care for Seniors Foundation Maureen Finnegan Award
(for a graduating student who has made outstanding
contributions to the community)
Sinclair Dacombe

Thomas Kinney Memorial Scholarship
(for a student with high standing in grade 12 university entrance level courses proceeding to an Ontario university)
Chloe Dick

Richard Sutton Memorial Bursary
(for a deserving student who is entering university to study a social science)
Hannah Forsyth

Bayfield Award
(for a deserving student going on to Loyalist, St. Lawrence, or Sir Sanford Fleming College in a course preparing her
to work with children and youth)
Jessica Foster

Melissa Coghlan Memorial Award
(for a deserving student who has faced adversity with courage)
Serena Frost

Clare McFaul Memorial Award
(for a deserving graduate who demonstrates community leadership and has excelled in the P.E.C.I. Entrepreneurship program)
Kyle Gould

Canadian Federation of University Women, Picton & District Scholarship
(for a female graduate proceeding to university who is a top student and has demonstrated independence, self-motivation, a spirit of enquiry, and a zest for knowledge)
Lindsey Hegadorn

Lance Netherly Memorial Bursary
~Presented by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 78~
(for a student demonstrating marked scholarship)
Eric Jackson

Ira Sharpe Memorial Award
(for a deserving student proceeding to post-secondary studies who has shown exemplary determination & perseverance in the school community)
Kimberly Kennedy

The Spencer Scholarship Fund
(for strong oral communication skills in the arts)
Meghan Lal

The PRZ Paintball Award
(for a student who has worked diligently to complete his or her courses in the college or workplace pathway)
Mariah Lammes

The Douglas A. Nutter Award
~ Presented by the Highland Shores Children’s Aid Society~
(for a student attending a post secondary program in a community service or helping field)
Alex Larkin

Sandra M. Hall Nursing Award
(for a deserving graduate pursuing post-secondary studies in an Ontario college or university leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing)
Alex Larkin

Hastings and Prince Edward Student Success Award
(for a deserving graduating student who has demonstrated resilience and overcome challenges to achieve success in his or her chosen pathway)
Cynara Lewis

Ontario Provincial Police Youth Foundation (John M. Parrott) Award
(awarded every three years to a student from Prince Edward Collegiate Institute planning to attend university, college, or to enter into an apprenticeship)
Montana MacFarlane

Alex Lipson Scholarship
(for a deserving student with high standing)
Camelia Maracle

Joe Eberwein Environmental Stewardship Scholarship
(for a student going on to post-secondary education in resource management, ecotourism, arboriculture, horticulture, silviculture, or agriculture)
Grace McKinney

Lloyd Seeley Memorial Bursary
(for a deserving graduating student with notable service to school and community, particularly with helping students in mathematics)
Grace McKinney

Harry P. Slaven Memorial Award
(for a deserving student pursuing studies at a community college in technology)
Kirsten Ostrom

Picton Legion Branch 78 Humanitarian Award
(for a deserving graduate pursuing a career in medicine or nursing)
Melissa Paradis

Canadian WCTU Award
(for a deserving student who has been an asset to the school community, maintained a satisfactory academic record, and has been actively
involved in a Christian youth group)
Jessie Reed

Keitha Gilbert Award for Music
(for an outstanding music student)
Amy Rutherford

Order of the Eastern Star Award
(for a deserving graduating student with distinguished
service to church and school)
Amy Rutherford

Johan DeRoche Kinette Memorial Bursary
(for a deserving graduate pursuing post-secondary studies with distinguished service to both school and community)
Hannah Sarley

Ontario Principals’ Council Award for Student Leadership
(for a deserving graduate chosen by the principal)
Hannah Sarley

The Prince Edward County Community Care for Seniors Foundation Award
(for a deserving student proceeding to study gerontology or
a student who has enriched the life of a senior)
Zoe Stechnicki

Bob Skitteral Memorial Bursary
~ Presented by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 78~
(for a student demonstrating marked scholarship)
Micah Stever

The MacGyver Daubney Memorial Award
(for a graduate who has met life’s challenges on her way to this accomplishment)
Cassidy Sutherland

Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW), Belleville and District Scholarship
(for a student with high academic standing who is proceeding directly to
post-secondary studies and who exhibits a commitment to learning and community involvement)
Bronwyn Taylor

The Eric Reynolds Accounting Award
(for a graduating student pursuing business/commerce)
Bryce Timm

Picton Kiwanis Communication Award
(for a deserving graduate who will be studying communications)
Olivia Timm

The Edith & J. L. Ross and Jean Ross Woodsworth Scholarship
~donated by the Wellington United Church~
(for a female graduate pursuing a career in social justice or in the helping professions)
Sarah Wanamaker

The Loyalist College Board of Governors Entrance Scholarship
(for an outstanding graduate proceeding to Loyalist College)
Sarah Wanamaker

Hanna Family Memorial Bursary
~Sponsored by Picton Alternatives for Women~
(for a deserving graduate proceeding to post-secondary studies in health services)
Bradley Wells

Lesley Westervelt Memorial Bursary
(for a deserving female student pursuing a career in nursing or a related field, who has been actively involved in athletics)
Amanda Whalen

The County Theatre Group Award
(for a deserving, graduating arts student)
Mackenzie Wilkinson

Naval Marine Archive Award
(for a deserving graduate proceeding to a college museum curator program or university studies in history or art)
Mackenzie Wilkinson

Chuck Slik Memorial Award
(awarded to a student with an optimistic nature who demonstrates strength of character, determination and passion; a student who is kind and encouraging to others and possesses that undeniable spark that inspires people; a student who has the natural ability to make a positive contribution to the world)
Madison Williams

ESSROC Canada Inc. Award
(for highest achievement by a student proceeding to study engineering)
Brayden York

Herb Pliwischkies Memorial Award
(for a deserving student proceeding to post-secondary studies for manufacturing or mechanical engineering)
Brayden York


* Indicates an award that will be presented at P.E.C.I.’s Undergraduate Awards Ceremony in the fall
** 2013 graduates

The ESSROC Award for Foundations for College Mathematics (MAP 4C)
Nicholas Lindsay and Kevin Rallison

The Mac’s Bursary for Challenge & Change in Society (HSB 4U)
Sarah Crouse* and Cynara Lewis

The Mac’s Bursary for Fashion (HNB 4M)    Holly Aman and Logan Mounteny

The Mac’s Bursary for Nutrition and Health (HFA 4C)    Madalyn Jones and Derek Thompson

The Mac’s Bursary for World History (CHY 4C)    Ryan Kerr and Mackenzie Wilkinson

The ESSROC Award for Chemistry (SCH 4U)    Heather Beach

The ESSROC Award for Physics (SPH 4U)    Heather Beach

The French Award (FSF 4U)
(Donated by the teachers of P.E.C.I.)    Heather Beach

The Hiles Carter Award for Biology (SBI 4U)    Heather Beach

The Mac’s Bursary for Advanced Functions (MHF 4U)    Heather Beach

The Mac’s Bursary for Nutrition and Health (HFA 4U)    Heather Beach

The Mac’s Bursary for Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life (MEL 4EM)    Matthew Brown*

The Mac’s Bursary for Achievement at PEAS    Brittany Bush

The Mac’s Bursary for Navigating the Workplace (GLN 4O)    Dylan Clark

The CER-A-MET Award for Custom Woodworking (TWJ 4E)  Andrew Dayton

The Hamilton Beach Brands Canada Inc. Award for Families in Canada (HHS 4U)    Chloe Dick

The Mac’s Bursary for Canadian and International Law (CLN 4U)
Chloe Dick
Emily Clark

The Joe Scott Memorial Award for Healthy Active Living (PPL 4O)
(Donated by the teachers of P.E.C.I.)    Tye Eaton*

The Hiles Carter Award for Biology (SBI 3U)    Elizabeth Forsyth*

The Mac’s Bursary for Entrepreneurship: Venture Planning (BDV 4C)  – Kyle Gould

The Mac’s Bursary for Highest Achievement in a Dual-Credit Course – Merissa Hill*

The Mac’s Bursary for Transportation Technology (TTJ 4C)    Ryan Kerr

The Kingfisher Business Award (BBB 4M)    Alex Larkin

The Mac’s Bursary for Canadian and World Issues (CGW 4U)    Alex Larkin

The Mac’s Bursary for English (ENG 4U)    Alex Larkin

The Mac’s Bursary for Communications Technology (TGJ 4M)  Cynara Lewis

The Mac’s Bursary for Issues of Indigenous People (NDW 4M) Cynara Lewis

The William Teskey Memorial Award for World History (CHY 4U)  Gianna MacDonald

The Mac’s Bursary for the Ontario Literacy Course (OLC 4O) Camelia Maracle

The Mac’s Bursary for Science (SNC 4E)    Jessica Matier

The Joe Scott Memorial Award for Exercise Science (PSE 4U)
(Donated by the teachers of P.E.C.I.)    Grace McKinney

The Mac’s Bursary for English (ENG 4UP)    Grace McKinney

The Mac’s Bursary for Dramatic Arts (ADA 4M)    Amanda Ostander

The ESSROC Award for Mathematics of Data Management (MDM 4U)  Melissa Paradis

The Mac’s Bursary for English (ENG 4E)    Mitchell Rockall

The Mac’s Bursary for Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life (MEL 4E)  Mitchell Rockall

The Mac’s Bursary for Computer Science (ICS 4U)    Wesley Stakes

The Mac’s Bursary for Mathematics for College Technology (MCT 4C)   Robert Stapley

The Mac’s Bursary for College Physics (SPH 4C)   Micah Stever

The Mac’s Bursary for Financial Accounting Principles (BAT 4M)  Olivia Timm

The Co-op Award (Donated by the teachers of P.E.C.I.)      Sarah Wanamaker

The Mac’s Bursary for Families in Canada (HHS 4C)      Sarah Wanamaker

The ESSROC Award for Calculus and Vectors (MCV 4U)     Bradley Wells

The Mac’s Bursary for Legal Studies (CLN 4C)       Mackenzie Wilkinson

The Mac’s Bursary for Visual Arts (AVI 4M)     Mackenzie Wilkinson

The ESSROC Award for English (ENG 4C)    Ty Wilkinson

The McDougall-Stanton Insurance Award for Computer Programming (ICS 4C)    Ty Wilkinson

The Joe Scott Memorial Award for Personal and Fitness Activities (PAF 4O)
(Donated by the teachers of P.E.C.I.)    Madison Williams

The CER-A-MET Award     for Construction Engineering Technology (TCJ 4C)    Taylor York

The Hiles Carter Award for Biology (SBI 3C)    Ilze Zenka*

Filed Under: Featured ArticlesHastings & Prince Edward District School BoardPECI - It's a Panther Thing

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  1. judy kennedy says:

    Very true. However this high school is in jeopardy. Imagine a county of 24.000 plus without a high school. Dwayne Inch, what are you doing to save our school?

  2. Argyle says:

    Congratulations to all and for proving that you don’t have to go to school over the bridge to get a great education.

  3. Donna B says:

    Congratulations to all the graduates on a job well done!

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