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PECI Mo Bros promote men’s health

-Paul Pickard photo

PECI staff and students were “Mo” than happy to participate in Movember to help raise funds and awareness for men’s health and prostrate cancer. Male students and staff grew mustaches and were sponsored through donations by other students and staff.  They created campaigns such as “Match the Star with the Stache to the Stached Teacher” to promote awareness.  Both male and female students particpated. A tally for funds raised is yet to be compiled. For more information, visit, The general plan is that men start ‘Movember’ with a clean-shaven face and for the rest of November, the ‘Mo Bros’ groom, trim and wax their way into the annals of fine moustachery. Supported by the women in their lives, ‘Mo Sistas’, the Movember Mo Bros raise funds by seeking out sponsorship for their Mo-growing efforts.
The website goes on to explain that Mo Bros effectively become walking, talking billboards for the 30 days of November. Through their actions and words, they raise awareness by prompting private and public conversation around the often ignored issue of men’s health.

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Spirit week is under way at PECI!  ‘Wear your grade school colours’ was followed by ‘Tight and bright’ and Panther wear days. Rounding out the week is winter wear day (we wear our mittens and scarfs during school) and on Monday, it’s crazy hair day!
Last week PECI students won Best Musical Entry in the Bloomfield Christmas parade. Thanks to the gracious help of the band “Centre Street” featuring PECI students and to D.J Lockdown who provided musical interludes. Be proud of the pride your panthers showed, giving the best school presentation in a very long time.
The fun continues Sunday for the Picton Santa Claus Parade starting at 1pm. Dec. 4. Those people who want to join PECI are welcome to meet at the old martial arts building in the industrial park at noon to help prepare the float and get ready to help strut our stuff.
Congratulations to PECI students named winners of  the Royal Canadian Legion poster and poetry contests:
Senior Colour Poster:
1st. Place — Amanda Ostrander
2nd. Place — Jacob Markland
Senior Black and White Poster
1st. Place — Emily Arnold
Senior Poetry
1st Place — Heather Beach
2nd. Place — Madison Cox
Branch 78 Royal Canadian Legion Picton members Carl Tripple, Mike Slatter and Bill Kidnew visited PECI students from Ms. Greer Koutroulides, Mr. Dave Lunn and Ms. Jenny Lyons classes who had collected $330 for the Poppy Fund through their Hastings-Prince Edward Regiment Historical Challenge held as part of the school’s Remembrance Day activities.
The student council is putting on its first dance of this year. The Glow Dance is set for Friday, Dec. 16 which gives you lots of time to prepare! We have 200+ tickets to be sold at $10 dollars to start – with prices increasing as necessary. Sales begin Wednesday, Dec. 7 and end the following Wednesday for people who intend to bring guests, and the Thursday for everyone else.
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Our annual Make Poverty History fundraising Christmas dinner is set for Friday, Dec. 16 at 6p.m. (Doors open at 5:30) at the The Heritage Hall, 166 County Road 6.  Dinner is $20/person and all proceeds  support Enelerai Primary School in Enelerai, Kenya. For tickets, please contact Ms Moon.

-Sydnee Gael Mulridge

Filed Under: Featured ArticlesPECI - It's a Panther Thing

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  1. virginia Hair says:

    I was wondering if PECI might take up the challenge to send needed supplies and money to Attawapiskat? Many other northern communities are in similar circumstances. It seems to be this would be a worthy cause. The Red Cross is spearheading the Attawapiskat efforts, and I’m sure would welcome the support.

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