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PECI: on bullying, cenotaph models and prep for Santa parades

We have so many fun things to report on this week. First is the Bloomfield Santa Claus parade happening Friday (streets close at 6 p.m. for 6:30 p.m. parade). The PECI student council invites all students that want to participate to meet in the snake pit at noon on Friday to help with decorating the float.  We will also be participating in the Picton Santa Parade, Sunday, Dec. 4.

Coming up is the Glow in the Dark dance Friday, Dec. 16. Tickets will go on sale Dec. 7 so be sure to get yours as soon as possible. The first 50 or so tickets will be VIP. Tickets prices to be announced and there will also be several door prizes worth checking out!

Between blogs, check the PECI website regularly for interesting stories and updates such as the following:
Bullying Awareness Workshop
On Wednesday, Nov. 16th, four students from PECI attended and helped create a board-wide dramatic workshop and performance for Bullying Awareness week. The four students who attended were Randy Chance, Emily Hanna, Anna Koning-Nguyen and Savannah Smith. Each of these students were partnered with one other student from the majority of high schools in the Hastings and Prince Edward School Board, worked with different drama teachers to create a Collective Creation around different themes and topics all related to Bullying.
The HPEDSB drama team performed two shows: one in front of five Quinte West elementary schools and one for the grade nine students of Trenton High. Both audiences were enthralled and applauded uproariously at the performance.
The performance went over so well that the ensemble has been invited to perform at the Dec. 5th Board Meeting at the Board Office in Belleville. This performance was only one of several activities in support of Bullying Awareness Week at PECI and throughout HPEDSB.

Cenotaph Models
Grade 10 students in Mrs. Koutroulides’ academic history class designed and created 3D models of Second World War cenotaphs while reflecting on Canada’s role in the war.  Students used a variety of materials to create their models, but cake seemed to be a favourite.  The concepts, symbols and execution of the project demonstrated the respect the students have for veterans’ contributions.

“The reason our monument is represention by a flower pot is because after the war our country had joined together.  Even though we are an independent country, it shows that underneath it all, we are all joined at the roots.” – Lindsey Hegadorn and Bronwyn Taylor

“It brought the creativity out of us and we realized the challenge of representing everything Canada did” – Ryan Kerr

“I chose to represent the Liberation of the Netherlands because my grandmother was there as a young child” – Holly Aman

Visit the PECI website for more photos

Scholarship News
Earth Day Canada and Toyota are teaming up to offer 20, $5000 scholarships to graduating students who have made outstanding environmental contributions. Applications are due by January 31, 2012. Students are encouraged to visit guidance and can apply online at

-Till next time  
Sydnee Gael Mulridge

Filed Under: Local NewsPECI - It's a Panther Thing

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  1. Bill Belsey says:


    As the person who originally conceived of the annual Bullying Awareness Week nearly ten years ago, I am thrilled that the you have chosen to get behind this grassroots initiative. I would invite your readers to visit to learn how they can get involved..


    Bill Belsey


    Please follow us on Twitter:
    “Where You Are NOT Alone!”
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    “Always On? Always Aware!”
    The world’s first Website about cyberbullying
    “Learn to BE the change!”
    Online courses and Webinars about bullying and cyberbullying
    “Prevention through education and awareness”
    The official Website for the annual National Bullying Awareness Week

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