PEC’s Judy Kent lead facilitator at Generations for Peace
Administrator | Jun 21, 2010 | Comments 1

Judy Kent, of Prince Edward County is lead facilitator at the Generations for Peace Institute in Amman.
Generations For Peace achieved another landmark when the initiative led by Prince Feisal welcomed the first ever delegates from Europe to one of its camps and Prince Edward County’s Judy Kent was there to see it first-hand.
Delegates from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Cyprus, Kosovo and Russia joined those from Madagascar, Kyrgyzstan and Rwanda, who were also attending for the first time. They are joined by delegates from Bangladesh, Jordan, Yemen, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Palestine, Nepal, Lebanon and Nigeria.
The involvement of European delegates follows the announcement last month of the setting-up of the Generations for Peace Institute in Amman and its partnership with Georgetown University, Washington DC and Jacques Rogge’s decision to award International Olympic Committee (IOC) recognition to Generations For Peace.
“Basically my role is as lead facilitator of the camps offered through Generations for Peace,” said Kent from the Zamzam Hotel in Amman. “I have prepared the five educational modules on Peace Building and Sport; Peace Building; Working with Children and Youth; Train The Trainer, and Advocacy and Promotion. Camp includes a combination of educational sessions and sport sessions. The priority is to train leaders from countries in conflict to use sport as a vehicle to bring children and youth from both sides of the conflict together — building a better understanding and respect, reducing intolerance, etc.”
Prince Feisal, the President of the Jordan Olympic Committee who was recently elected as a member of the IOC, hailed the significance of the breakthrough at the opening of the sixth Generations for Peace Camp, which opened in Amman.
He said many of the European delegates will be the first young people from all sides of the conflict divide brought together through the power of sport.
“We are reaching across rifts caused by race, religion and ethnicity. This camp will empower delegates to take steps towards helping to bring sustainable peace to their communities.”
The 77 delegates, representing 17 countries and territories from across the world, were nominated by National Olympic Committees, UN agencies, Generations for Peace partner organizations, and, in another first, by qualified Generations For Peace Pioneers.
Upon returning to their communities to begin their own peace programmes, the Peace Pioneers will receive financial support and guidance from the Generations For Peace Team based in Amman.
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I heartily thank from Generationforpeace team for working hard, I and my rest of the peace pioneers got the must benefit of generationforpeace concept. we have start the publicity encouraged several Afghan youths ( orphanages East region communities). So I am kindly requesting the GFP authority provide us chance that we demonstrate what we publicised and how many people encouraged.