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Peter Tinsley Picton campaign office opens

The campaign office for Prince Edward Hastings Liberal candidate Peter Tinsley opened Saturday at the Sobey’s Plaza, Picton. Saturday morning.

MESSAGE from Peter Tinsley:

We don’t have to choose between a strong economy and democracy. By voting Liberal, we can have both.

We don’t have to settle for less! We can have an open, honest government and continue to “stay the course” of economic recovery. Liberals have balanced the budget before, and they will do so again–without stooping to the Harper Government’s secret agendas and abuse of power.

As your Member of Parliament, I will be here for you — not “here for Harper.”

Here in Prince Edward-Hastings, we need a strong local voice–not just a party cheerleader. I’m ready to be that voice.  I invite you to take the time to find out more about my background. Please drop by our campaign office, call us, send us your questions and comments and join the online conversation.

Let’s work together to get Canada back on track!


Tinsley was joined by former County mayor Leo Finnegan and former Liberal MP Lyle Vanclief on a walk-a-bout downtown Picton, meeting with business owners and citizens.

Peter Tinsley was handed a scrubbing brush when he visited PECI student soccer players at a car wash and barbecue Saturday morning at the Picton Fire Hall parking lot to raise funds for their coming trip to the COSSA championships.

Coming events for Peter Tinsley

Terry Fallis Wine & Cheese Fundraiser
April 11, 2011
Bay of Quinte Yacht Club, 86 S. Front St., Belleville
6 pm to 9 pm

Meet Carolyn Bennett at Peter Tinsley’s Belleville Campaign Office, Tuesday, April 12, 5 p.m.
All are invited to meet Dr. Carolyn Bennett, M.P. for St. Paul’s, former Minister of State for Public Health and Critic for Democratic Renewal, at the Belleville Campaign Office of Peter Tinsley, 48 Dundas St. W., Unit 2.

Coffee & Toast with Peter Tinsley
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Belleville Campaign Office – 48 Dundas St. W. (beside Tim Horton’s)
7:30 am – 9 am

Belleville Chamber of Commerce All Candidates Evening
Monday, April 18, 2011
Empire Theatre,  321 Front St. Belleville
7 pm to 9 pm

The Lorne Brooker Show – CJBQ 800 Radio
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
10 am

C.A.R.P. – Canadian Association of Retired People
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Loyalist College – Alumni Hall, Wallbridge Loyalist Road, Belleville
7 pm to 9 pm

Filed Under: Local News


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  1. Doris Lane says:

    Please check out “Rob says” on the tinsley site. This is an excellent posting

  2. Rob says:

    I speak of a Canada where men and women of aboriginal ancestry, of French and British heritage, of the diverse cultures of the world, demonstrate the Will to share this land in peace, in Justice, and with mutual Respect. I speak of a Canada which is proud of, and strengthened by its essential bilingual destiny, a Canada whose people believe in sharing and in mutual support, and not in building regional barriers.

    I speak of a country where Every person is free to fulfill himself or herself to the Utmost, unhindered by the arbitrary actions of governments. The ‘Canadian Ideal’ which we have tried to live, with varying degrees of success and failure for a hundred years, is really an Act of Defiance against the History of mankind.

    Had this country been founded upon a Less noble vision, or had our forefathers Surrendered to the difficulties of building this nation, Canada would have been torn apart long ago. It should not surprise us, therefore, that Even Now we sometimes feel the pull of those old reflexes of mutual fear and distrust. – Fear of becoming vulnerable by opening one’s arms to other Canadians who speak a different language or live in a different culture. – Fear of becoming poorer by agreeing to share one’s resources and wealth with fellow citizens living in regions less favoured by nature.

    The Canada we are building lies Beyond the horizon of such fears. Yet it is Not, for all that, an Unreal country, forgetful of the Hearts of men and women. We know that Justice and Generosity can flourish only in an atmosphere of Trust.
    – For if individuals and minorities do not feel protected against the possibility of the Tyranny of the majority, if French-speaking Canadians or Native Peoples or New Canadians do not feel they will be treated with Justice, it is useless to ask them to open their hearts and minds to their fellow Canadians.

    Similarly, if Provinces feel that their Sovereign Rights are not secure in those fields in which they have Full Constitutional Jurisdiction, it is useless to preach to them about co-operation and sharing.

    We now have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms which defines the Kind of country in which We Wish To Live, and Guarantees the basic Rights and Freedoms which each of us shall enjoy as a citizen of Canada.

    It must however be recognized that no Constitution, no Charter of Rights and Freedoms, no sharing of powers can be a substitute for the Willingness to share the risks and grandeur of the Canadian Adventure.
    – Without that collective act of the will, our Constitution would be a dead letter, and our country would wither away.

    It is true that our Will to live together has sometimes appeared to be in deep hibernation; but it is There nevertheless – Alive and Tenacious, in the Hearts of Canadians of Every province and territory.
    I wish simply that the bringing home of our Constitution marks the end of a long winter, the breaking up of the ice-jams and the beginning of a new spring. – For what we are celebrating today is not so much the completion of our task, but the Renewal of our Hope  —  not so much an ending, but a fresh beginning.

    ” Excerpt from Pierre Elliot Trudeau in the presence of Queen Elizabeth II, ALL Canadians…and the Entire World – at the True Birth of Our Nation “.

  3. Doris Lane says:

    A late announcement is that the Tinsley appearance on the Cross Country checkup has been cancelled because the other political parties would not take part.
    Peter had confirmed that he would be there but the others backed out–true to form for the Harper candidates.

  4. Doris Lane says:

    Peter will be a guest on the Rex Murphy CBC Radio Cross Country Checkup this Sunday, April 17, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
    Checkup will tap into the concerns of small town Ontario
    Be sure to listen in–and better yet, call in –Toll free number 1-888-416-8333

  5. Doris Lane says:

    Thank you to all the people who came out to the Peter Tinsley campaign office opening. Your support was much appreciated. Drop in an see us any time.
    Doris and Lori

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