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Picton grandparent scammed out of $1,200

A 79 year-old Picton resident has been a victim of scam known as the “Emergency or Grandparent Scam”.

In the typical scenario, a grandparent receives a phone call from a con-artist claiming to be one of his or her grandchildren.  The caller goes on to say that they are in some kind of trouble and need money immediately. Typically they claim being in a car accident, trouble returning from a foreign country or they need bail money.

“In this particular case, early last Thursday morning a male called to the victim stating he was her grandson and was in jail in Quebec after being involved in drunk driving car crash,” Prince Edward OPP constable Kim Guthrie reports. “He claimed he needed the money to get out of jail and also pay the other involved driver for his injuries.

“The victim wired cash to the suspect via Western Union and then started to have second thoughts, but could not retrieve her money.  The victim then called police, but the money cannot be traced and the victim is out $1,200.”

Prince Edward OPP reminds residents to be wary of any such calls and if they are suspicious in any way to hang up and contact the Canadian Anti Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501 to report it.  To learn more about this topic visit the Canadian Anti Fraud Centre’s website at

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. SAB says:

    I also feel very sorry for this lady….I can understand this happening though……….This morning I received a call from the retired police officers assoc (this was the name they gave me and I assume it is legit, but who knows now adays), when I declined the opportunity to donate, I was made to feel, by the caller, very guilty for not contributing at least a small amount, $25.00 was suggested.

  2. lucy says:

    Another sad story of someone ripping off someone else, especially someone possibly with a bigger heart than bank account… the biggest crime is that the police fail to ever ‘serve and protect’, very few crimes solved without crimestoppers… hey lets pay them more money, will that help they try a little harder for us…haha. bet not

  3. Anne Flynn says:

    I feel terrible for the grandma. It must have worried her a lot when she heard her “grandson” was in trouble so she did not mind about having to send him a big amount of money to a suspicious location. It’s a typical grandparent reaction.

    Although others may find the scam obvious, scammers are very good at lying and can be very convincing with their stories. Based on the complaints posted at consumer complaint sites such as, most victims admitted they were usually skeptical about anonymous calls. But as soon as they heard it was their “grandchild” or a “relative” on the phone, they panicked and wanted to help immediately, did not even think twice. And it was already too late when they realized the whole story was a scam.

    It’s about time the authorities look into this and come up with a more effective way to catch these culprits. It’s sad that to steal someone else’s money, scammers take advantage of the love and concern grandparents have for their family members.

  4. Chris says:

    Western Union is the dead giveaway. This is how apartment rental scams work. The scammer always says he lives some distance away from the apartment for rent and says he needs proof that the prospective renter has the money. It’s all done very politely.
    To add to the ‘warm fuzzies’, he says “Do Not Send Me Any Money, it’s OK”. “Just send $2000 to a friend or realtive, and email me the receipt, so that way I know you are good for the money”.
    Before the friend can get to a Western Union office, the scammer goes there and identifies himself as the “friend” and scoops the cash.

  5. Sandie B says:

    Had an email from a “friend” a few weeks ago…. sounds very similar…I didn’t send money as I was shocked that she would pick me to ask as we really don’t know each other that well. I am thinking that may have been a scam also.

  6. Dee Alder says:

    So tragic that our elderly are seen as easy money..shameless!!!!

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