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Picton Main detour extended again – to Sept. 9

UPDATE SEPT 1: The Picton Main Street reconstruction phase 3 detour route will be in place until Friday, Sept. 9.
The detour route was scheduled to end as of Sept. 2; however, because of further complications in completing the underground utility work, it will be necessary to extend the date.

Northbound and southbound traffic will continue to be detoured via Picton Main, Walton, King, Paul, Jane, Queen and Johnson streets.


AUG. 25: The detour route for phase 3 of the Picton Main Street reconstruction has been extended a week to Friday, Sept. 2 due to complications with underground utilities.

Northbound and southbound traffic will continue to be detoured via Picton Main, Walton, King, Paul, Jane, Queen and Johnson streets.

As part of the Main Street Reconstruction project, a large watermain on Main Street between Paul Street and Bay Street will be removed from service to allow work to proceed. The service interruption is to take place between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 29th.

  • Customers affected by the service interruption have been notified in writing. Customers can expect loss of pressure for the duration of work and coloured water when service is restored. The water will remain safe to use and drink once service is restored.
  • Customers in the area north of Johnson Street, on the west side of Picton Bay, and all municipally serviced customers on Highway 49, may also experience coloured water or pressure fluctuations throughout the work duration; however, a service interruption is not anticipated.

AUG 14: The third phase of the Picton Main Street reconstruction is set to begin Monday, Aug. 15.

A temporary full closure of the intersection of Paul and Picton Main streets will be in effect during this phase, which is scheduled to continue until Sept. 1.

Northbound and southbound traffic will be detoured via Picton Main Street, Walton, King, Paul, Jane, Queen, and Johnson streets to Picton Main Street. View the detour map.

Local property access will be maintained during the detour.

The scope of the project includes the following work:
Replacement of the existing sanitary sewer and services
Replacement of the existing watermain and services
Storm sewer replacement
Complete road reconstruction with new curb and gutters, sidewalks, asphalt pavement, and decorative street lighting

RW Tomlinson Limited, the contractor for this project, is completing the work in phases to minimize the impact to pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

More information about the reconstruction project is available on the County website. For more information, contact the County of Prince Edward at 613.476.2148 ext. 1023, 613.962.9108 ext. 1023, or

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Dan says:

    Some on council speculated local business revenue down, partly caused by inflation and high gas prices.
    However, I see Niagara on the Lake, Wasaga Beach and Simcoe area, are predicting best summer season in years.

  2. Dennis Fox says:

    While not being a fan of extended closures, this article is the closest one we have about labourers who work hard for a living, so I want to wish you all a HAPPY LABOUR DAY!

    Without labour, there would be no wealth.

  3. Paul D Cole says:

    The work needs to be done but it does seem to be taking a considerable amount of time for such a small section. One also has to wonder why they didn’t start at the other end trying to put off interference with Main St businesses until later in the fall…

  4. Susan says:

    There should be a Police presence on King and Paul streets. Even directing traffic in rush hours.

  5. ADJ says:

    I feel sorry for the Main street store owner. A rock and a hard place. Realize the operating costs.. personal living expenses, store taxes, staffing, inventory, utilities, AC must be running 24/7! Then they hope a customer be it local or tourist stops in to make a purchase. Out of that sale comes all of the above deductions. THEN..they have the competition of Costco (Kingston) with a cheaper fuel fillup on the return trip to Picton at the Reserve, plenty of unrestricted free parking at the Malls in Belleville and Napanee with a larger workforce to choose from. Let’s not forget shopping online (Amazon) with next day delivery to your residence. I’m thinking that delivery to Picton is more because of location and volume. Yes we all want to shop local and support our businesses here but really it’s a struggle.

  6. Dennis Fox says:

    Trying to get around town is getting a little crazy. I turned off King St. to go up Ross St. – little did I know that there would be a large truck unloading on Ross St. across from Arts on Main, plus there were cars illegally parked on Ross St,. next to the gallery. As I approached the intersection at Ross and Main a cement truck turns onto Ross St.- forcing me part way onto the sidewalk in order for it to get by! Adding the pedestrian traffic and we have a recipe for an accident to occur – and now we hear that the detour routes will be extended! Whoopee! There has to be some organized traffic control for this area before someone gets hurt.

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