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Picton Main Street closures for construction begin April 4

An early spring thaw means construction will get under way on Picton’s Main Street Monday, April 4.

And with construction comes detours. Main Street will be closed to vehicle traffic from Bridge Street to Ross Street during construction. Pedestrians will have access to businesses on both sides of the street.

Construction is expected to end in December 2016 despite taking a break in the months of July and August.

Starting Tuesday, March 29th, there will be limited available parking spaces along Picton Main Street from Bridge Street to Ross Street, in preparation for construction work.

The Picton Main Street Project will involve construction work for underground infrastructure including the replacement of watermain and sewer services, as well as revitalization work to enhance the appeal of the downtown, including new sidewalks, curbs, pavement, lighting and crosswalks.

“The Picton BIA will continue to act in a liaise position with the construction crews and County staff for the duration of the Picton Main Street Project,” said Robyn Lewis, Chair of the Picton Business Improvement Association. “We have committed additional resources to assist in promotion of the downtown and will host a couple of events to drive pedestrian traffic to Picton Main Street during the project.”

The County will waive all sidewalk patio permit fees for any businesses interested in establishing them in the downtown core this year.

Upon the completion of phase one, the section of Picton Main Street from Bridge Street to Ross Street will be reopened to vehicle traffic, and the second phase of the project will begin from Ross Street to Elizabeth Street, with road closure to vehicle traffic.

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  1. lou says:

    thats a good idea. The temporary Speed Bumps which are there 24 hours . etc.

    wish i could get one for our street in town.

  2. Emily says:

    Sure it’s tough on business but the County is stroking them and they need to do the same for the ratepayer residents. Get the cops onto the residential streets doing their job. Perhaps even get out of the car. Personally I feel this project should have run right through and get it done on time rather than shutdown July & August. Bite the bullet. If we get poor fall weather we risk losing funding if incomplete by Dec.31st.

  3. Paul Cole says:

    Maybe some temporary speed bumps may help,, our well paid Police force must be awful busy with other business in The County But I did see a cruiser sitting at the fire hall today hopefully that helps on King St at least…

  4. lou says:

    YES for sure! they are going way to fast in the residential area. in the detours
    (i think its a problem before the main st closure too
    i live on side street, that cuts out onto main. and I worry when i go to put the garbage out!….that i may get hit.

    we should send letter , phone calls to ask (demand) that they help with this.
    maybe if alot of us tell them, they may help

    im travelling at the wrong time then up 62

    i dont have an issue with speed up 62…its the agressive impatient drivers that are following way to close. (in winter is a big issue)..

    YES for sure! they are going way to fast in the residential area. in the detours
    (actually they are doing it alo

  5. kevin says:

    My street is a detour for the construction. My street is already torn up and needs repair, but now that all this additional traffic, including transports and dump trucks are using it, it is worsening. Will the county come and fix my street? I understand infrastructure replacement is necessary but the folks in charge could have done a better job of coordinating this, not to mention pick a better time. And I agree with you all about the need for police presence to control the traffic congestion and speeders.

  6. Gary says:

    Good points here. The County says it is working closely with business in regards to the construction. What about residential folks? Paul St is now a new thorough fare at high speed. It needs to be addressed and it most definitely requires a police presence.

  7. Chuck says:

    I see them all the time on 62, sometimes two vehicles hiding off to the side together. It’s a cash cow. I find nothing wrong with traffic moving at 100 km on 62. I find it precarious and life threatening for vehicles hitting 70 – 80 km through a residential area. The cops are not here monitoring what’s happening. They have to know the volume, congestion and potential issues. They need to be re-directed to where the need is.

  8. lou says:

    i agree they need more police presense. People are going to fast in PIcton.

    although im wondering where they are?……i travel constantly on 62 and and alot of the time i have people tailgating following way to close (back off or go around)
    (dangerously close)…..i have to put hazards on to get them to back off my bumper.

    i wish they were on 62 when im travelling but i never see them.

    so they are hiding somewhere…….but not where we need em

  9. Chuck says:

    I understand that this is a huge disruption for many but necessary. Having said that, can we not get our police to manage traffic during rush hour times. The increased pressure on Paul St is one thing but the ridiculous speed through this residential area is dangerous and should not have to be tolerated. Get the cops that are sitting on Hwy 62 constantly back into town and monitor the speed.

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