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Picton waste disposal site open Wednesdays for summer

The Picton Waste Disposal Site at 37 Church St., will be re-opened on Wednesdays from 8 am to 4 pm beginning August 1st for the duration of the summer.
All residents of Prince Edward County will have access to this site during these hours.
All seven Prince Edward County Waste sites will continue to remain open on Saturdays from 8 am to 4 pm.

Disposal of brush at County waste sites will remain suspended until the burning ban has been lifted by the Prince Edward County Fire Department. The sites as they have reached their capacity for brush.

Ameliasburgh (245 Valley Road)
Hiller (450 Bakker Road)
Sophiasburgh (35 County Road 14)
South Marysburgh (1132 Old Milford Road)

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. m york says:

    Anyone read with confusion the article on the front page of the gazette? My question is, did or did not council recind Mr.CAO’s new by-laws to delegate from council to him? I tried to go on the County website to read the minutes from Tuesday’s council meeting but obviously they are behind because the last entry was for June’s meeting. Help to read between the lines of this article would be greatly appreciate from anyone. Thanks

  2. Doris Lane says:

    i know who one is not the other–as some of you are sayingif the CAO is going to do everything why do we need all these councillors –we don’t but they will not vote to change the structure because some who voted against re-structuring are afraid they will lose their jobs
    since all councillors have a say in what happens in the county all the county residents should be able to vote for the whole slate of council
    it is pretty well the same in the federal government it is a one man show and it seems to be that way in the province too

  3. m york says:

    Doris, I’m a bit confused???? Firstly, do you know who these two councilors are? Second, I look at it this way. Council gets paid to make decisions,attend meetings,speak for the taxpayers, so why to heck are they accepting a paycheck? Also, now that they have decided to delegate some of their duties then it should be apparent that we do not need this many council members. I don’t know about anyone else but I voted in who I wanted to be on council and as mayor,I did not at anytime vote for the new CAO to do what council is suppose to be doing in the first place……

  4. Marnie says:

    You’re right, Mark. Unfortunately, the councillor must be from my ward before I can vote against him/her. With the taxes we pay we are entitled to improved service when it comes to garbage disposal. Through no fault of our own we often are left with items that we cannot take curbside. Over-packaging is a problem these days. With a burn ban, you cannot burn some of these items and you cannot go to the dump if you happen to work on Saturdays. What is one supposed to do with this trash? Council cannot legislate garbage out of existence. Novel idea but it just won’t work.

  5. Evil says:

    Ken you are right the dump sites should be open 2 days a week all year round

  6. Doris Lane says:

    I think you will find that the new CAO has the power to hire, to fire,and heaven knows what else. All but 2 councillors gave him that power.
    All this nonsense stuff that is going on in Council these days makes one wonder what they will dream up next.
    Hiring 2 or 3 new people that I am sure we do not need
    Are council doing anything about the results in South Marysburgh?

  7. Mark says:

    Problem is Marnie if the Councillor in question is not from your ward you cannot vote for or against that person anyways. I like the idea of being able to vote for the entire slate of elected officials. When a ward only has one councillor your vote is only counting for one out of sixteen representatives. But heaven forbid that the County would ever consider electoral reform.

  8. m york says:

    I have to wonder Marnie if its council who first made this decision to close the dump or that of a consulting firm/person. Yes, they voted for it and shame on them. I think its time the public is made aware of who is the brains behind some of these idiotic ideas in order to not have a repeat After all you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know when something isn’t going to work, the writing was on the wall long before it was even initiated.

  9. Marnie says:

    At last, they saw the light. There should be at least one dump site open on Wednesdays all year long. What brilliance to suggest that if garbage disposal is made as inconvenient as possible it will force us to generate less trash. The councillor who came up with this one will not get my vote in the next election.

  10. m york says:

    Hmmmm, the dump is once again opened on Wednesday’s. Would this be because they have had to hire extra help due to the demand, why are we so quick to slash and cut before we even put any thought into these situations/decisions? My question is: Who was the mastermind of bringing this forward to the council for consideration in the first place? Find the answer to this, then you may find where some of the problems lay. Did we save a remarkable amount of money in the months the dump was closed on those Wednesday’s, I think not. I drove by the dump on a few occassions (when it was closed) only to see that people had dumped their garbage on the outside of the locked gate.We are getting less services for our tax dollars each and every day and I think its time the people spoke up and said enough is enough.

  11. Chris Keen says:

    “I have one man who calls me up and complains because it’s inconvenient. I want it to be inconvenient because it’s the only way to get people to change their habits.”
    [Belleville Intelligencer]

    Here’s a big part of the problem, Ken. A Councillor (guess who) who personifies what’s wrong with many politicians of all stripes these days. Instead of representing the best interests of their constituents, upon election they turn in to hectoring, nanny state activists.

    To think that opening a landfill one day a week is going to encourage every County resident to produce more garbage than they normally would is nonsense!

    Education, not badgering, is the best way to resolve this issue.

  12. Ken Globe says:

    They never should have been closed on Wednesdays in the first place.

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