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Police say assault didn’t happen

UPDATE APRIL 9 – On April ‎2, 2016 at approximately 8am officers of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Prince Edward County detachment responded to a report of a sexual assault on an adult female.

The investigation has determined that the assault did not occur.

Investigators would like to thank those that came forward with information. No further information available.

APRIL 2 – Prince Edward OPP are requesting the public’s assistance in the case of an assault Saturday, April ‎2 behind the Sobey’s Plaza 97 Main St., Picton.

Officers were called at approximately 8 am. An adult female reported she was sexual‎ly assaulted by two unknown males between 11:30pm, April 1 and 3am April 2. She was transported to hospital with serious injuries.

The suspects are described as: Suspect 1: Male, Caucasian, brown hair, a moustache, scruffy facial hair, not clean shaven, rotten teeth, a strong odour of cigarettes,
and wearing ripped blue jeans and work boots. He spoke English.

Suspect 2: was described as: male, shaved head, non-white (black), possibly had a thin mustache, unshaven, the whites of his eyes were quite yellow and he had a gold tooth in the upper teeth, on the right side. He was wearing a jewelry bracelet on one of his wrists, wearing work boots and jeans and possibly a dark top.

The suspect vehicle is a blue, four-door Ford, Ontario licence plate, partial marker “J” and the numbers “5” and “8”.

Further description released by the OPP noted there was a stuffed, dark colour or black, bear in the rear window deck, on the driver’s side in the back of the vehicle. The vehicle was noted to have a louder than normal exhaust and the tires were all black, similar to rims that are used for snow tires.

If anyone has information about this crime, they are asked to contac the OPP at1-888-310-1122.

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. AFW says:

    Rahno Boutilier – Alternatives for Women
    “Just because police did not find anybody or charge anyone…they’re saying in the paper now that it never happened, that doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. Something happened.”

  2. Dee says:

    Please keep in mind….Some people have mental illnesses.

  3. Fred says:

    The release said the assault didn’t happen. That’s pretty clear, no assault.

  4. Dennis Fox says:

    As I stated earlier, I am in agreement with those who want more information from the police. If the police aren’t more forthcoming with the information, then let’s hope that our three local papers will do some investigative journalism and help alleviate the public’s concerns. I don’t get the police’s approach on this one at all. They appeal for the public’s help and then tell us nothing other than – the crime didn’t happen! This is pretty poor PR – let’s hope it improves big time! We are paying enough for them!

  5. Gilbert says:

    I’m confused. Whether she falsely accused someone of a sexual assault or not, the OPP did report that on April 2, she was taken to hospital with serious injuries. That’s a rating the hospital gives the police. Which means she was seriously injured.

    So WAS she physically assaulted? If so, are the OPP no longer concerned with finding the culprit/s? Have they already found them? Why couldn’t that have been part of the report?

    If not, I understand if the actual cause of her injuries couldn’t be reported, but why couldn’t the fact that there was no physical assault have been part of the report?

    The whole point of the OPP offering news to the press is so we can better understand what’s happening in our communities, but right now I’m more in the dark than before.

  6. Mike Farrell says:

    Agree. Agree. The OPP response and commentary to this new development in sexual assault allegations that shook this community deeply is woefully inadequate. If the woman ended up in hospital there was some form of assault- was it domestic assault? Self-inflicted harm? Other?

    We need and want more information and context Sgt. Kristine Rae!

  7. H. Campbell says:

    This has stirred up County folk and the truth should be made public. If OPP issued that it was a sexual assault with description of the offenders, they should now clear the air. What happened on our streets in town? Was a woman found injured behind the Sobey’s, and who did it?

    I don’t understand why there’s no information now except “it didn’t happen”. Something happened, didn’t it?

  8. Fred says:

    Oh, I didn’t get that. I read that the OPP said it didn’t happen, nothing in regards to the accused being fictional or wrongly accused.

  9. judy kennedy says:

    The “ill accused” were fictional..or didn’t you get that?
    Surely you must be somewhat aware of the fact many women are beaten by their spouses and partners?

  10. Fred says:

    Are you in the know Judy to make that determination? I note you have no sympathy for the ill accused.

  11. judy kennedy says:

    It would appear that someone she knew hurt her… actually, the most common form of assault on women. Worthy of our concern.

  12. lou says:

    as i understand by reports…….this woman injured and was in hospital (it says wednesday she was in hospital)

    shouldnt guess……she could have been injured and covered up for someone.?
    who knows.

    unfortunately, this has caused grief for some families AND scared alot of people. alot of people were quite upset and worried.

    glad its not true though

  13. judy kennedy says:

    good to know this was not real.
    sorry for this woman and her need for help. something is definitely wrong in her life.

  14. hockeynan says:

    It is crimes like this that help make our policing costs so high. I am sure more than one officer was involved in the investigstion.So the next time you complain about police costs think about this and I am sure there are many others that we don’t hear aboit

  15. Dennis Fox says:

    On one hand it is great to know that such a violent crime did not take place in our community – on the other hand I hope the woman in question gets the help she needs. I hope the police can reveal more about the details that explain why such a crime was reported, it could help alleviate the public’s concern. This incident was reported in all three of our locals, plus discussed daily on the streets and on social media. I think the public require more information than what has been given so far.

  16. Fred says:

    Why release such a notice with no indication of charges being laid upon the women? I hope she is charged to the extent possible as males have taken a big hit on this. We need a male support group to protect us.

  17. Susan says:

    Must test your faith! We must be leary of complaints against our male brethern.

  18. judy kennedy says:

    Any of us could be assaulted in our own homes by someone we know or are related to—assault by strangers is very rare. Ask any cop.

  19. Susan says:

    Come on Judy, I didn’t blame you for squat! It’s a common sense issue under discussion. Not about bad men that you have no control over other than your own smarts.

  20. judy kennedy says:

    Susan. you are naive and foolish. None of the things that happened to me were the result of a high risk situation. How lucky you are if you have escaped what most of us have not. And how nice of you to blame me for what some men did.

  21. Jacqueline says:

    My only concern is for the woman who was brutally attacked. I hope she can recover her physical injuries as the trauma of the attack will never leave her. My thoughts and prayers go out to this courageous woman.
    I know our wonderful Police Force will hunt these vile men down and put them in jail for life.

  22. Susan says:

    Well since you cannot control the actions of others, and you can control your own, you obviously choose to place yourself in a higher risk situation.

  23. judy kennedy says:

    I, as have a huge percentage of females,was the recipient of unwanted male attention and assaults of various types over the years. We must not allow bad people to curtail our daily lives.

  24. Tanya says:

    Not much of a protest considering walking at night might be safer (stranger sexual assault only accounts for 20%) than sitting in a house with your acquaintances with the doors locked (80% of assaults committed by known person). And exercising our rights to demonstrate the importance of freedom of movement does make sense.

  25. Marnie says:

    I don’t think that walking alone late at night just to assert our rights or prove a point makes much sense. We know that there are people like these men out there and we need to be mindful of it at all times. Most of us lock our doors because it is a common sense safety precaution against theft and trespass. It does not mean that we are fearful and paranoid, just cautious and sensible.

  26. Tanya says:

    It is not to say that people shouldn’t be aware of their surroundings – I walk alone or take the subway in Montreal Toronto Vancouver etc and I am aware of my surroundings but I will not allow gender specific fear to inhibit my movement. I will continue to walk at night to demonstrate the equality that women should have in this country. Also… Only approx 20% of sexual assaults are committed by a stranger. This means that around 80% of sexual assaults are committed by a family member, acquaintance, neighbour, co-worker, etc. If I’m afraid to walk at night does this mean I should be afraid of everyone I interact with? We need to stop looking at the actions of the victim. In my opinion she is a hero – look at the detailed description she was able to give despite such a traumatic event. We need to focus on catching the perpetrators.

  27. Marnie says:

    Most of us take sensible precautions in all areas of our lives. Why should this be any different? It does not mean we are giving in to fear. We are simply doing our best to stay safe.

  28. Susan says:

    No one is laying blame on the victim. You can focus on the perpetrators all you want but at the end of the day you do not control that behavior. You can control your own and practice safeguards.

  29. lou says:

    unfortunate people are fearful at the moment. Yes we capl t live in etc.. but practice safe travels.while walking. nothing stopped these perps. I sure hope they are caught , dont want this again.

  30. lou says:

    practice safety, the Perps are out there.

  31. Dawn says:

    Some people do work shifts, some people don’t always have cars or transit. Focus on the actions of the perpetrator(s) not the victim.

  32. judy kennedy says:

    Fear is a self defeating emotion.

  33. Jillian says:

    This is not a 9-5 world. People should be able to walk where they want any time they want/need. I applaud Tanya’s comment: “To make communities safer we need to focus on the actions of the perpetrator not the actions of the victim.” Please focus your positive comments and reactions to the health and well being of the woman who went through this horrible crime.

  34. Susan says:

    Shouldn’t be tossed off as an anomaly. Walking alone late at night is not something I would feel comfortable about. Personal safety should always be considered.

  35. judy kennedy says:

    Tanya: 100 percent correct. Also, I am not afraid to walk at night in Picton. This incident is an anomaly, not the norm.

  36. Tanya says:

    Scrutinizing the actions of the victime or women in general (for example walking) detracts from the action of the perpetrator (for example sexual assault) and insinuates the victims was (partially) at fault or contributed to the actions of the perpetrator. It’s not to say that we don’t need to champion for safer communities but we need to be careful not to insinuate blame. Walking alone at night (it’s dark in the winter at 6 btw) is common in many areas of Canada and might be a requirement for someone’s lifestyle (for example working the night shift). To make communities safer we need to focus on the actions of the perpetrator not the actions of the victim.

  37. Marnie says:

    In principle it’s a great idea, but I think in practice it could be dangerous. Look what happened to that poor woman the other night. A volunteer patrolling the streets would be equally vulnerable. Perhaps the solution lies in petitioning council with citizens’ concerns and demanding more police presence on the streets.

  38. Joanne says:

    We as a community should stick together, fisrt and formost!

    Our OPP doesn’t have a budget in Picton to patrol, then, we as a community need too protect our community. I for one would walk the streets of Picton to protect! We need volunteers, and we would walk streets at night for 8hrs to make our town safe!! We are not above the law, but we need to protect our community of all the break ins uptown, and what happened the other night. We need to set up something to make our town safe again!!!!

    I’m in as a volunteer how about anyone else?

  39. Marnie says:

    Since all men DO NOT know better than to go around raping women – witness the recent incident – women need to be aware of where they are walking and when. It’s common sense not a perpetuation of rape culture or an attempt to blame the victim. Maybe we should be able to go walking after midnight but it is not a wise thing to do, the world being as it is.

  40. Dee says:

    I see no reason why anyone cannot walk our streets at anytime of the day….maybe you cannot sleep and go for a walk etc.
    The large policing budget should cover a night patrol !!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. Tanya says:

    Catherine: Do not perpetuate rape culture. Women should know better than to condemn other women for walking any where at any time, even in the dark! In this day and age… All men should know better than to go around raping women.

  42. Catherine says:

    In this day and age,all woman should know better to never walk alone no matter where you are,I hope these scumbags are caught and arrested so they can be thrown in with the big boys behind bars and just see
    how they like their lives being violated, what goes around comes around,I wish you well young lady,godbless

  43. Gary says:

    Sad criminal act. You are right however in pointing out we used to have regular street patrols with our local force. That has been long gone.

  44. Susan says:

    We used to have cops on the street so they knew the good guys and bad guys and full patrols. Now we have them all on Hwy 62 trying to make a buck. Harsh yes, but somewhat true. I truly hope the victim here can recover through this horrible attack.

  45. lou says:

    This is horrible!…….

    Im getting very
    concerned. This horrible crime PLUS
    all the e recent break ins of buisnesses overnight.

    we do not have the budget to have OPP to patrol at night in Picton?
    something needs to be done

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