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Police report crime increase in the County

Increased calls for service are noted in the 2015 Police Services Report to be received at council’s meeting Tuesday night – most notably a 38.5 per cent increase in violent crime and a 24.2 per cent hike in property crimes.

In 2015 there were 7,423 calls for service – averaging 20 a day. The highest number of calls was in Picton with 2,115, followed by Hallowell at 1,443 and Ameliasburgh at 1,175. Numbers drop to 563 provincial calls; then Sophiasburgh with 525 calls, Hillier with 422 calls; Wellington (364); Athol (320); North Marysburgh (191); South Marysburgh (364) and Bloomfield (160).

There were no murder investigations in 2014 or 2015, but assault numbers rose 63.6 per cent over the year with 162 reports last year, following 99 reports in 2014. Robberies were up 100 per cent, however, that reflects two calls last year over one call in 2014.

Overall there was a 38.5 per cent increase in calls related to violent crimes – 241 in 2015 and 174 in 2014. Property crimes increased last year with 528 calls, 24.2 per cent more than the 425 calls in 2014. The most frenquent calls were for Theft Under 5,000 (171); mischief (127) and break and enter (94).

Drug crimes (25) were down across the board last year over the year before including 20 possession calls, three trafficking calls and two importation and production calls. There were 32 calls in 2014.

Margaret Werkhoven, chairman of the Police Services Board, says the County is receiving adequate and effective police services.

“There is no precise definition of ‘adequate and effective’ that can provide a clear roadmap to guide the Police Services Board,” she noted in the report’s conclusion. “However, the monitoring that the PSB does on an ongoing basis through its monthly review of local OPP statistics and its discussions with the OPP Detachment Commander and members of his staff, is sufficient to allow us to confirm that the County of Prince Edward does receive adequate and effective police services.”

The report notes the detachment has both municipal and provincial policing responsibilities within its boundaries. In 2015 the formula used by the OPP to determine contract costings was changed. Previously the County had a blended contract covering 32.5 full time equivalent positions and the province provided eight. In 2015, the OPP charge a fixed amount per property and then for identified calls for service. The report estimates that under this formula, the municipality will save $109,154 in 2015 compared to 2014.

opp-1-300x144The PEC OPP detachment includes:
1 staff sergeant detachment commander
4 sergeant front-line supervisors
1 community safety officer
1 drug enforcement officer
1 court officer
4 detective constables for criminal investigations
1 domestic violence co-ordinator (constable)
1 analyst (constable)
2 emergency response team members (constable)
1 traffic management officer (constable)
22 front-line constables
4 part-time constables – prisoner escort and court security
3 civilian administrative assistants
1 civilian caretaker


Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Chuck says:

    Lorraine; you haven’t seen them hiding at the 4 way stop at King & Elizabeth? All while traffic is backed up elsewhere? While speeding on Paul & Johnson streets is way out of control. While drugs are bought daily on King St. Come on, take off those cop sunglasses!

  2. Emily says:

    Quite the commercial. To blindly state they are golden, serve us perfectly and worthy of every penny is not only ignorant of what is taking place but suggests self servance. The quality of service is lacking.

  3. Lorraine Knight says:

    Well this is quite disappointing. I was hoping to find maybe just one little hint of a story related to Police Week, only to find the negative unsubstantiated comments criticizing those who we should be thanking. Can anyone tossing out these comments actually provide any facts to accompany them? Exactly how much time and effort have you invested in learning as much as you can about what they do each day, the challenges they face, and how they really account for their time. I feel quite confident it would provide you with a much different outlook on the subject. Anyone making random comments about the OPP “hiding” “pounding up quotas” “demanding the highest pay” and so on are clueless as to what they and all first responders do on a daily basis. Please enlighten the rest of us as to how you were able to come to these conclusions. As for the others calling for the reduction in manpower and equipment, really? Exactly what is the correct number of officers for this area, and what factual information is this statement based on other than just your opinion? And for those suggesting SUV’s are not necessary, I doubt you have really thought that statement through. I would be very interested in knowing how they are to navigate the inclement weather conditions in this area, tow ATV’s, snowmobiles, boats and other life saving equipment which is so vital? Suggesting the use of smart cars is ridiculous. You should be very grateful and proud of the police force, first responders, and their families that serve this community. They are not the police, they are your neighbors, they are parents, sons, daughters, siblings, and friends. They are just as invested in the wellbeing and safety of this community as the rest of us. They are worth every penny!

  4. Emily says:

    Susan you are right about trust. Driving around in big SUV’s and hiding at busy corners to ticket minor infractions does not build trust. Never walking the streets to meet locals and learn the issues, and good from the bad does not build trust. Responding to calls at dangerous speeds within urban areas is wrong. They need to get out of the big strong vehicles and address the community. They demand to be the highest paid force in the Country. They need to deliver.

  5. Chuck says:

    Everyone beware if you aren’t, they are hiding at the 4 way stop at King & Elizabeth pounding up those quota numbers. If they were dealing with speed in residential or assisting with traffic flow that would help. Getting out of the car and seeing who is around at night doesn’t hurt either.

  6. Marnie says:

    So when you say you don’t see the police, “expect (sic) at Sobey’s getting cake” you are complimenting them Lou? Sounds like a variation on the doughnut joke to me. And what about Hockeynan’s observation that we don’t see the police because they may be checking a turtle incident but might have to buy a sub enroute? That’s another bouquet?

  7. lou says:

    dont think weacre downing police

    im saying , as well as others , we would like to see more police or stronger presence in evenings

    as others have said maybe we should have the walk abouts they use to do.

    There is an increase in crime, break ins in PIcton. in the evenings.
    we have had MANY stores broken into.

    just because somone suggests more police does not mean they are downing them

    thank you

  8. Susan says:

    The relationship must be one of trust. Perhaps something is lacking on both sides.

  9. Marnie says:

    Generally a jaundiced view of the people we would most like to see in an emergency. The doughnut joke is stale even if the doughnuts aren’t. Today the big emphasis is on inclusion yet the comments here about our police force are all derogatory. We must respect the customs of immigrants and give up some of our own lest we offend, but it’s okay to trash our policemen?? I think not.

  10. lou says:

    id like to see police patrolling around in picton the evening sometimes. we have had break ins and more in the evening.

    when we go out in town we dont see any police around
    expect at sobeys getting cake.

  11. hockeynan says:

    A officer o patrol in Picton has to be available for the whole county.He may have a call to check a turtle incident and might have to have a sub to get there

  12. Chuck says:

    Yes, the big SUV’s is just so unnecessary. Imagine the gas costs. A cop on patrol in Picton would be well served with a smart car. This is not a dangerous community by any stretch. But the OPP will milk top wages and top equipment and nothing but the best. Just wish they patrolled residential speeds rather than hiding constanly on Hwy. 62. If the province wants 62 covered to the hilt 24/7 let them pay the bill.

  13. Dennis Fox says:

    I find it interesting that these stats come out shortly after our tax bills arrive at our home – showing that policing is the second most expensive item on our taxes – the entire public works costs including projects and staff beat it. I really don’t believe that PEC is the crime centre of the world (despite the percentage increases) and we sure don’t need the size of police force we have to handle 20 calls a day. BTW – why do police need SUVs to patrol around in – can’t we find smaller more gas efficient vehicles to do the same job in? I support the police, but not their budget nor wasteful practices.

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