Prince Edward Holstein and Dairy clubs celebrate achievements
Administrator | Nov 28, 2019 | Comments 0
The Prince Edward Holstein Club along with The Prince Edward 4-H Dairy Club celebrated achievements in the show ring, and on the farm during a celebration Nov. 23 at The Waring House.
Shawn Koopmans (pictured with daughter Kailyn) took home all four of the Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) Awards
– High Cow Award for “Koopycrest Authentic Fiona” (BCA: 539-497-531 Composite BCA 522.3)
– Most Improved Production (BCA + 32.6)
– High County Herd Average (BCA: 327 –351 – 331 Combined BCA of 336.3)
– Herd Management Award (management score of 877)
Dave Prinzen accepting the Tom May Memorial trophy from Joan May for his Grand Champion 4-H Calf at the open Holstein show, Picton Fair 2019 (Waltz Acre Luella Jakobi)
The PE 4-H Dairy Club doubled in size from 2018, with more than 19 members completing the club and showing on Achievement Day at Picton Fair 2019.
Elizabeth Bailas won the Walt Family Award for teamwork, enthusiasm and the Spirit of 4-H.
Julianna Wilson won the Baker “Rookie” Award for top first year member
David Prinzen won Top Member of the 4-H Club.
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